Mainstreaming disability inclusion in humanitarian actions_1

A few hours

Course details

The general objective of this e-learning is to enhance your understanding of inclusive humanitarian action strategies and better equip you to put into practice the “DG ECHO operational guidance on inclusion of persons with disabilities” and the “Interagency Standing Committee guideline on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action”.

This course was developed in collaboration with Humanity & Inclusion, European Disability Forum and African Disability Forum.

This e-learning consists of 3 modules:

Module 1: Introduction to key concepts
Module 2: Ensuring disability inclusion in programming and the Single Form
Module 3: Looking at the disability inclusive approach in practice

Target audience

Suggested for ECHO partners/their implementing partners/ECHO staff. 

Learning objectives

Learning objectives By the end of this operationally-oriented training, you will:• Understand what is meant by disability-inclusive humanitarian action as a rights-based approach rooted in the existing framework of protection mainstreaming;• Have an increased awareness of disability in humanitarian settings, particularly in relation to the Risk Equation mentioned in DG ECHO operational guidance on inclusion of persons with disabilities, the barriers and enablers encountered by persons with disabilities in humanitarian contexts, and the impact these have in access to equal participation;• Gain an initial knowledge of the concepts of accessibility, universal design, and reasonable accommodation;• Gain a preliminary understanding of the import

Offered by

This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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  1. Introduction
  2. OnLine Training
  3. Evaluation E-Learning
  4. Certificate