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TOP 10 Finnish Movies to Watch

TOP 10 Finnish Movies to Watch

Höfundur Minna OLS Community Manager -
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Top 10 Finnish Movies to Watch

Finland has a relatively small and not so diverse movie industry.  If we leave out our unquestionably most important movie director Aki Kaurismäki and his movies, what is left? I decided to dwell into the top 10 movies you should watch to get to know the Finnish culture, jokes and state of mind the best way possible. 

By looking at the listed movies, you may notice the tendency for nordic noir, gloomy and somewhat dark atmospheric movies. These movies will give you a solemn wiff of hope, romance or a slight glimpse of positivity for one's life - only the humblest way possible - the way only Finnish people and culture can give you. 

Having said that, you should definitely get acquainted with the movies by Aki Kaurismäki as well - he has won numerous awards in Cannes and other movie festivals with his work. 

Disclaimer: This list is not composed by top Finnish movie critics, but it is rather my own personal taste.  

Let’s go! 

Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier), 1955

Starting with a long distance relative - of course one has to toot their own horn. Yes, as a proud distant relative of director Edvin Laine is one of the classics of Finnish cinema. This war drama tells a story based on the masterpiece novel of writer Väinö Linna. The Unknown Soldier chronicles the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union during 1941–1944 from the viewpoint of ordinary Finnish soldiers. In 2017, director Aku Louhimies made a re-filming of the movie, which maybe a little easier to understand and watch due to modernisation of language and camerawork. 

 | Another 

Napapiirin Sankarit (Lapland Odyssey), 2010

Now a franchise of 4 movies, this first one by director Dome Karukoski tells a simple romantical adventure comical story of three friends, in an effort to save one couple’s relationship. The lady of the house gives an ultimatum to her boyfriend - get a digital receiver box or she will leave him and move to Helsinki! A great struggle to win over the lady of his live entails for our main character Janne, during Christmas time. We will get to know the deep soul of the average Finnish man. Play Video

Lovemilla, 2015

Lovemilla was a popular tv series for youth, that explored the life of a teenager with witty humour. It was followed by a namesake movie, directed by Teemu Nikki. The movie explores the complexities of a modern relationship, when you are young and just starting out in life. Play Video

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, 2010

A dark fantasy-action-comedy-horror directed by Jalmari Helander about the discovery of the real Santa Claus in Finland. But this is not the santa we all know… 

Big Game, 2014

This one is not exactly a typical Finnish movie, but it was directed by a Finn and produced in Finland, although shot in the Alps. A high adrenaline movie by Jalmari Helander, starring Samuel L. Jackson … in Finland. Is there anything better than that? The president of the United States is shot down with this plane in the northern wilderness of Finland, and finds a friend in a 13-year old  young Finnish hunter with a wooden bow and an arrow. 

Tom of Finland, 2017

Dome Karukoski directed this movie about Touko Laaksonen, (aka Tom of Finland), one of the most influential and celebrated figures of 20th-century gay culture. This biography tells the story of Tom, who returns from World War II, and finds resistance to his art from society. The film is highly empowering so tear-warning is at place! 

Häjyt (The Tough Ones), 1999

After five years of imprisonment because of a bank robbery, two friends return home to find out that their third fellow robber has become a police officer in the meantime. Struggling to get integrated back into society they start a shady business that will not exactly help them to stay out of trouble. Directed by Aleksi Mäkelä. 

Rendel, 2017

This vengeance and action superhero film was a long childhood dream of Jesse Haaja, who drew, wrote and directed his dream into success. Rendel movie has everything. Vaccines without proper testing, gangsters, bribery and hitmen, and they are all boiled into this soup of exciting Finnish cinema. 

Iron Sky, 2012

The Americans sent the man to the moon, but this Finnish science fiction comedy movie has nazis in there instead. It appears that they hid there all this time since 1945 and only to emerge and take over the world in 2018. You just have to see it to believe it. This epic science fiction comedy adventure is directed by Tomi Vuorensola. 

Vadelmavenepakolainen (Raspberry Boat Refugee), 2014

A comedy about Jonas who moves to Sweden in order to fulfil his long lasting dream of finally becoming a Swedish person. After all, there is nothing in Finland that he likes. Then he meets a Swedish man who contemplates on leaving Sweden and Jonas realises this might be the opportunity he has been looking for! Directed by Leif Lindblom. 

Enjoyable movie moments!

Minna, OLS Community Manager – Finnish