
OLS Community Stories: Videos From the Contest!

OLS Community Stories: Videos From the Contest!

av Martin OLS Community Manager -
Antall svar: 0

Dear members,

Recently, OLS launched and concluded a video story contest at the beginning of the year called #OLSCommunityStories across all communities. See the winners' videos and think about our next context. Can this be you? It was not that complicated to participate.


Source: OLS

To summ up - all the winners had to record their story in a short experience video. They published according to the rules given by the EU Commission and that was it. 

Look at this website → OLS Community Stories ← you find examples of students who shared their language learning journey and experiences.

Watch out for our next competition and it might be you who will win the Interrail pass and would travel for free across EUROPE. 

Happy to help if you have any questions,

Martin, OLS Community Manager – Czech