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Typical Swedish Edibles - Part 2

Typical Swedish Edibles - Part 2

door Linnea OLS Community Manager -
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Typical Swedish Edibles - Part 2


Source: Canva

This is part 2 of our series about typical Swedish edibles. Let’s learn more about Sweden and its cultural heritage regarding different foods.


Knäckebröd, pronounced "knack-uh-brood," is a crispbread staple in Swedish cuisine enjoyed in various other countries. It is known for its thin, crispy texture and long shelf life, making it a practical and versatile option for sandwiches, snacks, and accompaniments to various dishes. 

Here are some key characteristics and information about knäckebröd:

Ingredients: Traditional knäckebröd is made from simple ingredients, typically including whole grain rye flour, water, salt, and sometimes a small amount of yeast or sourdough starter. Some variations may include additional grains or seeds for flavor and texture.

Thin and Crispy: Knäckebröd is rolled out thinly, and the dough is pricked with a fork or similar instrument before baking. This results in a fragile and crisp texture when it's baked.

Shapes and Sizes: Knäckebröd comes in various shapes and sizes, including round, rectangular, and square. The individual pieces are often scored or perforated to make it easy to break them into smaller portions.

Varieties: There are many variations of knäckebröd available, ranging from plain and traditional to those that incorporate additional ingredients like seeds (e.g., sunflower seeds, sesame seeds), grains, or herbs for added flavor and nutritional value.

Health Benefits: Knäckebröd is often considered a healthier alternative to regular bread due to its high fiber, low fat, and low sugar content. It's a good source of complex carbohydrates and can be a part of a balanced diet.

Serving: Knäckebröd is versatile and can be served in various ways. It is commonly used as a base for open-faced sandwiches (smörgås), topped with cheese, cold cuts, fish, or spreads. It can also be enjoyed with butter, jam, or a crunchy snack.

Cultural Significance: Knäckebröd has a long history in Scandinavian cuisine and has been consumed for centuries. It was initially developed to preserve bread for long periods, especially during harsh winters.

Storage: One of the notable features of knäckebröd is its long shelf life. Thanks to its low moisture content and crispy texture, it can be stored for an extended period without becoming stale.

Commercial Availability: Knäckebröd is widely available in supermarkets and grocery stores in Sweden and other countries. It is often sold in packages containing multiple pieces.

International Popularity: Knäckebröd's popularity has transcended its Swedish origins, and people in various countries enjoy it as a healthy and convenient bread alternative.


Source: Pixabay


Filmjölk, pronounced "feelm-yolk," is a traditional fermented milk product popular in Sweden and other Nordic countries. It is often described as cultured or fermented buttermilk, although its flavor and consistency can vary depending on the specific production methods and regional variations. 

Here are some key details about filmjölk:

Ingredients: Filmjölk is typically made from cow's milk, although variations can be prepared with goat's milk or even plant-based alternatives like oat or soy milk. It is fermented using specific strains of lactic acid bacteria.

Fermentation: The fermentation process gives filmjölk its tangy flavor and creamy consistency. It is left to ferment at room temperature, allowing the beneficial bacteria to proliferate.

Flavor and Texture: The taste of filmjölk is mildly acidic and slightly tangy, similar to plain yogurt. Depending on personal preference and regional variations, the texture can range from somewhat runny to thick and creamy.

Culinary Uses: Filmjölk is commonly eaten as a breakfast food in Sweden. It can be enjoyed independently, often sweetened with sugar or honey or mixed with berries, fruit, or muesli. It is also used in various recipes, including soups, sauces, and baked goods.

Probiotic Benefits: Like yogurt and other fermented dairy products, filmjölk is a source of probiotics—beneficial bacteria that can promote digestive health.

Cultural Significance: Filmjölk has a long history in Swedish cuisine and is considered a traditional and culturally significant food. It is often associated with rural traditions and homemade preparations.

Commercial Availability: Filmjölk is widely available in grocery stores in Sweden and other Nordic countries. It’s sold in cartons or containers, similar to yogurt.

Variations: Different regions and manufacturers may produce filmjölk with slightly different flavors and consistencies. Some people prefer thicker filmjölk, while others like it thinner.

Plant-Based Options: In recent years, there has been an increase in the availability of plant-based filmjölk alternatives made from oats, soy, or other non-dairy ingredients. These alternatives are often marketed as vegan or lactose-free options.

Health Benefits: Filmjölk is a good calcium, protein, and probiotics source. It can be part of a healthy diet, particularly for those who enjoy dairy products and want to support gut health.


Source: Pixabay


Lussekatter, also known as "lussebullar" or "saffron buns," are a type of sweet, saffron-flavored bun traditionally associated with the Swedish holiday of St. Lucia's Day, which is celebrated on December 13th. These buns are an integral part of the festive traditions in Sweden and other Nordic countries. 

Here are some key features of lussekatter:

Saffron Flavor: Lussekatter are distinctively flavored with saffron, which gives them a vibrant yellow color and a subtle, aromatic taste. Saffron is a prized spice that adds a unique flavor to these buns.

St. Lucia's Day: St. Lucia's Day is celebrated in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries to honor St. Lucia, the light-bearer. Lussekatter are often baked and enjoyed on this day, which falls on December 13th.

Shape: Lussekatter are typically shaped like an "S" or figure-eight (resembling the shape of curled-up cats, hence the name "lussekatter"). Some variations of the buns may have additional decorative forms.

Currants or Raisins: Lussekatter are often adorned with currants or raisins, which are placed in the spirals of the buns before baking, adding a burst of sweetness and visual appeal.

Serving: Lussekatter are best enjoyed freshly baked and are typically served warm with coffee, tea, or mulled wine (glögg).

Variations: While the classic lussekatter recipe is well-known, some variations incorporate ingredients, such as cardamom or almond paste, into the dough for added flavor.

Symbolism: The celebration of St. Lucia's Day, including the consumption of lussekatter, is associated with the arrival of light during the dark winter season. Young girls often dress as St. Lucia, wearing a crown of candles, and lead processions while carrying lussekatter to share with family members and neighbors.

Cultural Significance: Lussekatter are a cherished part of Swedish holiday traditions and a symbol of warmth and light during winter's cold and dark days.

Commercial Availability: Lussekatter can be found in bakeries and stores throughout Sweden and other Scandinavian countries during the holiday season. They are also commonly homemade as a festive baking activity.

Year-Round Enjoyment: While lussekatter are closely associated with St. Lucia's Day, they are enjoyed by many people throughout the holiday season and are sometimes available in stores and bakeries in the weeks leading up to Christmas.


Source: Pixabay


An "osthyvel" is not edible, but it’s very typical in Sweden. “Osthyvel” is a Swedish term that translates to "cheese slicer" in English. It refers to a kitchen utensil designed to slice cheese into thin, even slices. The osthyvel is a standard tool in Swedish households widely used in other Nordic countries. 

Here are some key features and information about the osthyvel:

Design: The osthyvel typically consists of a flat, sharp blade with a handle. The blade is usually made of stainless steel, and the handle can be made of various materials, including wood or plastic.

Adjustable Thickness: One of the distinguishing features of the osthyvel is its adjustable thickness control. It often has a rotating wheel or knob near the blade, allowing users to set the desired thickness of the cheese slices. This feature enables users to create thin or thicker cheese slices according to their preferences.

Ease of Use: Osthyveln is designed for ease of use. Place the blade on top of the cheese block to slice cheese and apply gentle pressure while pulling the slicer towards you. The adjustable thickness control ensures consistent slices.

Versatility: While primarily used for slicing cheese, the osthyvel can also be used to slice other foods like vegetables or cold cuts.

Cultural Significance: The osthyvel is an iconic kitchen tool in Sweden and other Nordic countries. It is often associated with the daily ritual of enjoying bread and cheese, a standard part of Scandinavian cuisine.

Cheese Culture: Scandinavians have a strong cheese culture, and the osthyvel plays a significant role in serving and enjoying cheese. It's a practical tool for making open-faced sandwiches (smörgås) with cheese and for cheese platters and snacks.

Variations: Several variations of osthyveln are available, ranging from traditional designs to modern, ergonomic models. Some are designed for specific types of cheese, such as soft or hard cheese.

Hygiene: The osthyvel is relatively easy to clean, with many dishwasher-safe models. Regular cleaning is vital to prevent the buildup of cheese residue on the blade.

Cultural Souvenir: The osthyvel is sometimes purchased by tourists visiting Sweden as souvenirs due to its cultural significance and practicality.


Source: Pixabay


Hjortron, known as "cloudberry" in English, are small, orange-yellow berries that grow in cold, northern regions, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia. These berries are highly prized for their unique flavor and are used in various culinary applications. 

Here are some key points about hjortron:

Appearance: Hjortron are small, round berries that are typically orange-yellow. They are known for their distinctive appearance and bright color.

Habitat: Cloudberry plants thrive in cold, northern climates, particularly in boggy and marshy areas. They are commonly found in Scandinavia and other subarctic regions.

Season: Hjortron has a relatively short growing season, typically from late June to early August, depending on the region and climate. The exact timing can vary from year to year.

Flavor: Cloudberry has a unique and complex, tart and sweet flavor. The taste is often described as a blend of tangy citrus, apricot, and honey. It has a distinctive and delightful aroma.

Culinary Uses: Hjortron is used in a variety of culinary applications. They can be eaten fresh, often with sugar or cream to balance their tartness. Cloudberry jam is a popular product made from these berries, and it's commonly used as a topping for desserts, pancakes, waffles, and ice cream.

Preservation: Cloudberry jam and preserves are a way to enjoy the flavor of hjortron year-round. The berries are often cooked with sugar to create a sweet and tangy spread.

Traditional Dishes: In Nordic countries, cloudberry sauce is sometimes served as an accompaniment to classic dishes like meatballs (köttbullar) or reindeer.

Health Benefits: Cloudberry is rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C, as well as antioxidants and dietary fiber. It is considered a nutritious berry with potential health benefits.

Hunting and Foraging: In Sweden and other northern countries, people often go on "hjortronplockning" (cloudberry picking) in late summer. It's a popular outdoor activity, and the berries are protected by laws that regulate the picking season and the protection of the environment.

Cultural Significance: Hjortron has cultural significance in the Nordic countries, where they are celebrated as a symbol of the unique northern environment. They are also associated with traditional folklore and celebrations.

In summary, hjortron, or cloudberries, are prized northern berries known for their distinct flavor and cultural significance in Scandinavian cuisine. They are enjoyed fresh, as jams or preserves, and as toppings for various desserts and dishes. 


Source: Pixabay


Messmör, also known as "whey butter" or "whey cheese," is a traditional dairy product that originates in Sweden and is also enjoyed in other Nordic countries. It’s made from the whey that remains after cheese production, particularly when making cheese from cow's milk. 

Here are some key points about messmör:

Ingredients: Messmör is primarily made from the whey left over after the curds have been separated during the cheese-making process. The whey is then cooked down and reduced to produce messmör. Some variations of messmör may include cream, sugar, and spices.

Production: The production of messmör involves simmering the whey for an extended period, allowing it to thicken and develop its characteristic flavor. The slow cooking process gives messmör its caramelized and slightly sweet taste.

Texture and Flavor: Messmör has a creamy and spreadable consistency, similar to butter. Its flavor is distinctively sweet, slightly tangy, and caramel-like due to the cooking process. It has a rich and comforting taste.

Uses: Messmör is typically enjoyed as a spread on bread or crispbread, similar to butter or jam. It is a popular topping for Swedish pancakes (plättar) and waffles. Some people also use it as a filling for pastries and desserts.

Cultural Significance: Messmör has a long history in Swedish and Nordic cuisine and is considered a traditional and regional delicacy. It reflects the resourceful use of dairy products in northern European culinary traditions.

Variations: There are regional variations of messmör, and different recipes may include additional ingredients such as spices, nuts, or even berries to enhance the flavor.

Commercial Availability: Messmör is available in stores in Sweden and other Nordic countries in its traditional form and modern variations. It is often sold in jars or tubs.

Homemade: While commercial messmör is readily available, some prefer to make it at home using traditional recipes and methods. Homemade messmör allows for customization in terms of sweetness and flavor.

Nutritional Value: Messmör, like other dairy products, provides essential nutrients such as calcium and protein. However, its sugar content can vary, so some varieties may be higher in sugar than others.

Linnea, OLS Community Manager – Swedish

Source: Canva