“Practise your Macedonian” Forum

Fast Forward to Winter and Skiing - Want to learn few phrases and ivite friends?

Fast Forward to Winter and Skiing - Want to learn few phrases and ivite friends?

написао/ла Denica Bojarovska -
Број одговора: 0
Surprisingly, yesterday was heavy snowing and we have snow on the mountains! 

Embrace the winter wonderland in the Macedonian mountains by combining two exhilarating activities—skiing and practicing your language skills! In this discussion, we'll explore creative ways to enhance your Macedonian speaking abilities while enjoying the snowy slopes with friends.

Here are a few Macedonian phrases related to skiing and winter activities:

  1. General Skiing Phrases:

    • Скијам на патеката. -  I'm skiing on the trail.
    • Колку брзо можаме да одиме? - How fast can we go?
    • Ги сакам патеките во планината. - I love the mountain trails.
    • Ова е прекрасен ден за скијање. - It's a beautiful day for skiing.
  2. Discussing Skiing Plans:

    • Да заминеме заедно на скијање овој викенд? - Shall we go skiing together this weekend?
    • Каде ќе одиме за скијање? - Where shall we go skiing?
    • Дали ќе има снег на планината? - Will there be snow on the mountain?
  3. On the Ski Lift:

    • Како поминува денот на скијање за тебе? - How is your day of skiing going?
    • Го обожавам мирот на планината додека се спуштам. - I love the peace of the mountain as I descend.
    • Се гледаме на врвот! - See you at the top!
  4. Describing Snow Conditions:

    • Снегот е свеж и пудрест - The snow is fresh and powdery.
    • Стазите се добро подготвени. - The trails are well-groomed.
    • Има многу снег на планината денес. - There's a lot of snow on the mountain today.

Feel free to use these phrases during your skiing adventures to practice your Macedonian language skills!

Denica, OLS Community Manager – Macedonian