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The Power of Positive Thinking: The Influence of Positive Thoughts

The Power of Positive Thinking: The Influence of Positive Thoughts

OLS Irish Community ManagerCaoimhe Ní Chearbhaill -

Positive Thinking

Caoimhe Ní Chearbhaill 2023

The Power of Positive Thinking: The Influence of Positive Thoughts 


Tá cumhacht mhór ag machnamh dearfach, go háirithe nuair a bhíonn tú i dtír nua agus i measc cultúir éagsúla. Do mhic léinn Erasmus atá ag foghlaim na Gaeilge, is féidir leis an dearcadh dearfach seo cabhrú go mór leis an bpróiseas oiriúnaithe. Sa phíosa seo, pléifimid conas is féidir le smaointe dearfacha tionchar dearfach a imirt ar do shaol, agus tabharfaimid leideanna úsáideacha do mhic léinn Erasmus chun iad féin a choigeartú go rathúil ina dtimpeallacht nua. An bhfuil tú réidh le do dhearcadh a athrú? 


Prompt: Reflect on how you've used positive thinking to adapt to new situations in the past. 


Being Really Good at Something: Positive Thoughts Show Our Potential 


Nuair a bhíonn tú dearfach, is féidir leat do chuid buanna agus scileanna a fheabhsú. Mar mhac léinn Erasmus, is féidir leat leas a bhaint as an dearcadh seo chun barr feabhais a chur ar do chuid scileanna teanga agus cultúrtha. Pléifimid conas is féidir le smaointe dearfacha cabhrú leat do chuid buanna a aithint agus a fhorbairt. An bhfuil scil ar leith agat a bhfuil tú ag obair uirthi? 


Prompt: Identify a skill or talent you're currently developing and how a positive mindset aids in this. 


Overall, Health and Well-being: Positive Thoughts Contribute to General Health Benefits 


Cuireann smaointe dearfacha go mór le do shláinte mheabhrach agus fhisiciúil. Mar mhac léinn Erasmus, is tábhachtach an tsláinte a chothabháil agus tú i dtír nua. Pléifimid conas is féidir le dearcadh dearfach cabhrú leat fanacht sláintiúil agus sona. An bhfuil cleachtais áirithe agat chun do shláinte a chothabháil? 


Prompt: Share a personal wellness practice that helps maintain your mental and physical health. 


Positive Relationships: Positive Thoughts Foster Positive Relationships 


Is féidir le smaointe dearfacha caidrimh láidre agus dearfacha a chothú. Mar mhac léinn Erasmus, tá sé tábhachtach caidrimh mhaith a thógáil le daoine eile. Pléifimid conas is féidir le dearcadh dearfach cabhrú leat caidrimh láidre a fhorbairt le daoine eile. An bhfuil taithí agat ar conas a chabhraigh dearcadh dearfach leat caidreamh a thógáil? 

Prompt: Reflect on a positive relationship in your life and how it was formed or strengthened. 


Welcome and Invitation: A Warm Welcome to Ireland for Erasmus Students 


Mar mhac léinn Erasmus in Éirinn, gheobhaidh tú fáilte mhór ón bpobal. Pléifimid an tábhacht a bhaineann le fáilte a chur roimh chultúir éagsúla agus conas is féidir leis an gclár OLS cabhrú leat dul i dtaithí ar do shaol nua. An bhfuil taithí agat ar fháilte mhór a fháil i dtír nua?" 


English Translation

 Caoimhe Ní Chearbhaill 2023

The Power of Positive Thinking: The Influence of Positive Thoughts 


Positive thoughts have a significant impact on our daily lives. When you move to a new country, like Ireland, a positive attitude can help you adapt to the new culture and language. We will discuss how positive thoughts can assist you in your personal and academic life as an Erasmus student. Do you have examples of how positive thoughts have helped you before? 

Prompt: Think of a time when a positive mindset helped you overcome a challenge. 


Being Really Good at Something: Positive Thoughts Show Our Potential 


When you are positive, you can improve your talents and skills. As an Erasmus student, you can benefit from this attitude to excel in your language and cultural skills. We will discuss how positive thoughts can help you identify and develop your talents. Do you have a specific skill you are working on? 

Prompt: Identify a skill or talent you're currently developing and how a positive mindset aids in this. 


Overall, Health and Well-being: Positive Thoughts Contribute to General Health Benefits 


Positive thoughts greatly contribute to your mental and physical health. As an Erasmus student, maintaining health in a new country is important. We will discuss how a positive attitude can help you stay healthy and happy. Do you have certain practices to maintain your health? 

Prompt: Share a personal wellness practice that helps maintain your mental and physical health. 

Positive Relationships: Positive Thoughts Foster Positive Relationships 


Positive thoughts can foster strong and positive relationships. As an Erasmus student, it's important to build good relationships with others. We will discuss how a positive attitude can help you develop strong relationships with others. Do you have experience with how a positive attitude helped you build a relationship? 

Prompt: Reflect on a positive relationship in your life and how it was formed or strengthened. 


Welcome and Invitation: A Warm Welcome to Ireland for Erasmus Students 


As an Erasmus student in Ireland, you will receive a warm welcome from the community. We will discuss the importance of welcoming different cultures and how the OLS program can help you adjust to your new life. Do you have experience with receiving a warm welcome in a new country? 

Prompt: Share your experience of being welcomed into a new community or culture. 

Caoimhe, OLS Community Manager – Gaeilge (Irish)

(Edited by Guido Adragna - original submission Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 12:19 PM)