"Living Abroad" Forum

Navigating the news in Denmark

Navigating the news in Denmark

από Alison Jenster - OLS Community Manager -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

Hello Everyone!

Today I wanted to share with you, essential newspapers for exchange students

In the heart of Denmark's vibrant media scene, newspapers play a crucial role in shaping public discourse. As a foreign exchange student, staying informed about your host country's current affairs is key. Here's a guide to some of the most important newspapers, including one that caters to English readers:

Politiken -  Known for its insightful analysis and quality journalism, Politiken is one of Denmark's leading newspapers. Covering national and international news, culture, and politics, it provides comprehensive coverage across various topics, perfect for those aiming to enhance their language skills

Berlingske -  With a rich history dating back to 1749, Berlingske is one of the oldest newspapers in Denmark. It's recognized for its coverage of international affairs, business, and culture. 

Jyllands-Posten -  A major player in Danish media, Jyllands-Posten is renowned for its in-depth reporting on national and international news. It often features opinion pieces that reflect a variety of perspectives.

The Copenhagen Post -  For our English-speaking exchange students, dive into the rich cultural and political landscape of Denmark with The Copenhagen Post as your go-to source. Offering news, culture, and insights in English, it's a valuable resource to understand Denmark's current affairs from an international perspective. 

No matter which newspaper you choose, staying informed is a wonderful way to connect with your host country. Which one will be your daily companion? Let us know in the comments below! 

Alison, OLS Community Manager - Danish