"Living Abroad" Forum

Discovering Ireland: Your Must-Do List

Discovering Ireland: Your Must-Do List

от Caoimhe Ní Chearbhaill OLS Irish Community Manager -
Number of replies: 0

Hé, a chara! Agus tú ag tosú ar do thuras spreagúil mar mhac léinn Erasmus in Éirinn, tá mé fiosrach faoi do 'Liosta Riachtanach' le haghaidh iniúchadh ar an tír draíochtúil seo. Tír saibhir i stair, cultúr, agus tírdhreacha iontacha is ea Éire. Ó aillte garbha Mhoher go sráideanna beomhara Bhaile Átha Cliath, tá an oiread sin le fáil amach.

Cad iad na háiteanna nó na heispéiris is tábhachtaí atá ar do liosta? An bhfuil tú ag pleanáil foghlaim ceoil thraidisiúnta na hÉireann, nó b'fhéidir triail a bhaint as an nGaeilge? B'fhéidir go bhfuil tú ag tnúth le turas bóthair feadh Slí an Atlantaigh Fhiáin?

Ba bhreá liom cloisteáil faoi do phleananna agus aon seoda ceilte a d'fhéadfá a fháil. Táim ag súil le roinnt eispéiris agus leideanna chun an leas is fearr a bhaint as ár gcuid ama in Éirinn. Ná déan dearmad do chuid smaointe a roinnt i nGaeilge, is cuma cé chomh bunúsach nó líofa atá tú. Tá sé ar fad faoi fhoghlaim agus spraoi a bheith agat leis an teanga. Táim ag tnúth le cloisteáil uait!


As you embark on your exciting journey as an Erasmus student in Ireland, I'm curious to know about your 'Must-Do List' for exploring this enchanting country. Ireland is a land rich in history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes. From the rugged cliffs of Moher to the lively streets of Dublin, there's so much to discover.

What are the top places or experiences on your list? Are you planning to learn traditional Irish music, or perhaps try your hand at the Irish language? Maybe you're looking forward to a road trip along the Wild Atlantic Way?

I'd love to hear about your plans and any hidden gems you might have discovered. Let's share our experiences and tips to make the most out of our time in Ireland. Don't forget to share your thoughts in Irish, no matter how basic or fluent you are. It's all about learning and having fun with the language. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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