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Don’t Let Them Fool You: Dutch Words That Look & Sound the Same (pt. 1)

Don’t Let Them Fool You: Dutch Words That Look & Sound the Same (pt. 1)

por Marieke OLS Community Manager -
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Don’t Let Them Fool You: Dutch Words That Look & Sound the Same (pt. 1)

So, you have started your Dutch learning journey, you’re well on your way, and you can understand a lot of what is said or written. But there are still aspects of language that are hidden to you and that confuse you. Sounds familiar? It might be time to look into homonyms! Which means words that look and sound exactly the same, but have a completely different meaning.  

In this article you will learn about some of the most frequently used homonyms to help you peel back another layer of the Dutch language and deepen your understanding.  
Let’s get started: 



1. A body part attached to your shoulder. EN: Arm  
EN: My arm hurts after I bumped into the door post. 
NL: Mijn arm doet pijn nadat ik tegen deurpost ben aangelopen. 

2. Doesn’t have adequate income or savings to pay for essential. EN: Poor 
EN: I am so poor I can’t even pay for my groceries. 
NL: Ik ben zo arm dat ik mijn boodschappen niet kan betalen 



1. A comfortable seat where multiple people can sit on. EN: A sofa, couch 
EN: Wow! This couch is so comfortable! 
NL: Wow! Deze bank is zo comfortabel! 

2. A financial establishment that uses money deposited by customers for investment, pays it out when required, makes loans on interest and exchange currency. EN: Bank 
EN: I went to the bank yesterday to deposit money. 
NL: Ik ben gisteren naar de bank gegaan om geld te storten. 



1. To like something. EN: To suit, or please 
EN: Amazing! This dress suits me so well! 
NL: Geweldig! Deze jurk bevalt me echt goed! 

2. To give birth to a child. EN: Give birth 
EN: She’s not at work right now, she just gave birth to her first baby. 
NL: Ze is nu niet aan het werk. Ze is net ballen van haar eerst kindje. 



1. A meal of dish or meal food. EN: A dish 
EN: I love stamppot, it’s a great dish! 
NL: I hou van stamppot, het is een geweldig gerecht! 

2. Referring to the law, court, Tribunal, or justice. EN: Court, justice 
EN: The court has ruled in his favour.  
NL: Het gerecht heeft in zijn voordeel besloten. 


1. To dig, for instance into the mud. EN: To dig 
EN: The dogs dig holes in the garden daily. 
NL: De honden graven dagelijks gaten in de tuin. 

2. A nobleman, whose rank corresponds to that of an earl. EN: A count 
EN: The counts are not as wealthy as you might think. 
NL: De graven zijn niet zo rijk als je zou denken. 



1. A vessel to drink a warm beverage out of. EN: A mug 
EN: May I have a mug of tea please? 
NL: Mag ik een kopje thee alsjeblieft? 

2. The upper part of a human body, or that of an animal. EN: A head 
EN: I hit my head on the lantern. 
NL: Ik heb mijn kop gestoten tegen de lantaarnpaal.  



1. A person who buys something. EN: buyer 
EN: He’s the type of buyer who is led by his impulses. 
NL: Hij is het type koper die wordt geleid door zijn impulsen.  

2, A type of metal. EN: copper 
EN: That is a copper tube. 
NL: Dat is een koperen buis.  



1. The illumination from a lamp or the sun. EN: Light 
EN: Now Spring has arrived it’s lighter for longer at in the evening. 
NL: Nu de lente is begonnen is het langer licht is ’s avonds.  

2. Referring to how heavy something is. EN: Light 
EN: Are those dumbbells heavy? No, they’re quite light. 
NL: Zijn die gewichtjes zwaar? Nee, ze zijn best licht. 



1. With reference to a particular area or one’s neighbourhood. EN: Locally 
EN: The timing of collecting the rubbish? That’s organised locally. 
NL: Wanneer het afval wordt opgehaald? Dat wordt lokaal georganiseerd.
2. A room, especially in school. EN: (Class)room 
EN: We were waiting in the classroom for half an hour, but the teacher never arrived.  
NL: We hebben een half uur op de docent gewacht, maar hij is nooit komen opdagen.  



1. A large, ugly and frightening (imaginary) creature. EN: A monster 
EN: When I was a child, I was afraid of monsters under the bed. 
NL: Toen ik een kind was, was ik bang voor monster onder mijn bed. 

2. A test to discover the quality of an element (i.e. in medical research). EN: A sample 
EN: They took a sample of urine to test if she was pregnant. 
NL: Ze hebben een urinemonster genomen om te testen of ze zwanger was.  


I hope you enjoyed this blog and learnt something new. These type of words are tricky, but they’re crucial to get a better grasp on the intricacies of the Dutch language. We will publish a part two on this topic with more homonyms, so you can continue with learning this more advanced material :-) 


Until next time!  
Marieke, OLS Community Manager – Dutch