“Living Abroad” Forum

Dos and Don’ts in Sweden

Dos and Don’ts in Sweden

autor Linnea OLS Community Manager -
Počet odpovedí: 0

We've talked a bit about cultural etiquette in Sweden. Still, some other things can be good to know when coming to the country and meeting Swedes, such as dos and don'ts. 

Understanding the dos and don'ts in Sweden can be essential for visitors to navigate the cultural norms and ensure a positive experience. Here's a little guide to some dos and don'ts in Sweden:

dos and don'ts

Source: Canva


Be Punctual: Swedes value punctuality. Arrive on time for appointments, meetings, and social gatherings.

Respect Personal Space: Swedes appreciate personal space. Avoid standing too close to others, and respect their privacy.

Follow Queue Etiquette: Swedes are known for their orderly queues. Wait your turn patiently in various settings.

Remove Shoes Indoors: It's a common practice to remove shoes when entering someone's home. Be prepared to do so unless told otherwise.

Recycle: Swedes are environmentally conscious. Follow recycling guidelines and dispose of waste properly.

Use Cashless Payments: Sweden is a cashless society to a large extent. Be prepared to use cards or mobile payment methods.

Greet with a Handshake: A firm handshake is a standard greeting in professional and social settings. Use it when introduced.

Obey Traffic Rules: Swedes follow traffic rules diligently. Use pedestrian crossings, wait for the green light, and respect bicycle lanes.


Source: Canva


Don't Interrupt Others: Swedes appreciate a calm and organized conversation. Avoid interrupting others while they are speaking.

Don't Bargain: Bargaining is rare in Sweden, especially in retail. Prices are generally fixed.

Don't Assume Hierarchy: Sweden emphasizes equality. Please don't assume someone's status based on appearance; treat everyone as equals.

Avoid Loud Behavior: Swedes value a quiet and peaceful environment. Keep your voice down in public spaces and on public transportation.

Avoid Discussing Finances: Personal finances are considered private. Avoid asking about salary or discussing financial matters unless in a close relationship.

Don't Leave Tips in Cash: If you leave a tip at a restaurant, do it through a card payment. Cash tips are rare.

Linnea, OLS Community Manager – Swedish

Card payment

Source: Canva