"Practise your Czech" Forum

Most Used Czech Verbs with Translation and Examples

Most Used Czech Verbs with Translation and Examples

Napisane przez: Martin OLS Community Manager ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Here are five commonly used Czech verbs along with examples and their translations:

1. **Být (to be):**

- **Example:** Jsem student. (I am a student.)

2. **Mít (to have):**

- **Example:** Mám nový telefon. (I have a new phone.)

3. **Jít (to go):**

- **Example:** Jdu do školy. (I am going to school.)

4. **Dělat (to do):**

- **Example:** Dělám úkoly. (I am doing homework.)

5. **Mluvit (to speak):**

- **Example:** Mluvím anglicky. (I speak English.)

Woudl you be able to make your own examples in Czech using these verbs?

Let's try.

I am looking forward to your replies.

Martin, OLS Community Manager – Czech