"Living Abroad" Forum

Cultural Customs, Which Have You Adopted?

Cultural Customs, Which Have You Adopted?

ved Alison Jenster - OLS Community Manager -
Antal besvarelser: 0

Dear Community  

One of the most enriching aspects of living abroad is the opportunity to immerse ourselves in new cultures and traditions. As we continue our language journey, let's take a moment to celebrate the customs we've adopted from our host countries. 

I invite you to share a cultural custom you've embraced during your time living abroad. Whether it's a culinary tradition, a social ritual, or a festive celebration, we'd love to hear about the customs that have left a lasting impression on you. 

To kick things off, I'll share a cultural custom I've adopted since moving back to Denmark: 

Hygge Evenings: In Denmark, the concept of "hygge" permeates everyday life, especially during the long winter months. I've embraced the tradition of cozy hygge evenings, where I gather with friends or family to enjoy candlelight, warm blankets, and comforting treats like hot chocolate or mulled wine (during the winter months). These gatherings create a sense of togetherness and relaxation that I've come to cherish deeply. 

Now it's your turn! What cultural custom have you adopted while living abroad? I can't wait to hear your stories in the comments below and learn from other's experiences. 

Alison, OLS Community Manager - Danish