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Risnjak National Park: A Gem Among Europe's Best

Risnjak National Park: A Gem Among Europe's Best

by Loreta OLS Community Manager -
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Risnjak National Park: A Gem Among Europe's Best 


The Guardian magazine recently released its 'Top List' spotlighting the five best European national parks, and our very own Risnjak National Park proudly made the cut. The list emphasises parks that escape overcrowding, captivate with their untouched nature, and offer a unique experience to visitors. 

As the Guardian notes, our beautiful Risnjak derives its name from the rare lynx that inhabits these regions. However, it serves not only as a sanctuary for wildlife like brown bears, wolves, and chamois but also as a haven for weary souls seeking respite from the hectic modern world. With rugged peaks, serene forests, and the crystalline waters of the Kupa River, Risnjak's landscape is truly exceptional, while its diverse flora and fauna make it an inviting habitat for exploration. 

Source: Unsplash 


One of the park's main draws is the Kupa River source, providing visitors with an unforgettable natural experience. Educational trails throughout the park offer opportunities for organized research. For those seeking adventure, Risnjak boasts 11 peaks to conquer, the highest reaching 1528 meters! Other parks that made it onto this prestigious list include Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici in Spain, Mercantour in France, Eifel in Germany, and Peneda-Gerês in Portugal. 

 The enchanting Risnjak National Park beckons nature lovers with its breathtaking landscapes and rich biodiversity. Spread over the regions of Gorski Kotar and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, this hidden gem covers an area of 64 square kilometers. The landscape of Risnjak is as diverse as it is stunning. Towering peaks, such as Risnjak (1528 meters), Snježnik (1506 meters), and Guslica (1497 meters), dominate the skyline, offering breathtaking vistas of the surrounding countryside. Dense beech and fir forests blanket the slopes, while crystal-clear streams and rivers meander through the valleys below. 


Source: Unsplash 

Risnjak derives its name from the rare lynx (ris), a symbol of the park's wilderness. But its allure extends far beyond this elusive feline. Within its borders, Risnjak provides refuge for a diverse array of wildlife, including brown bears, wolves, chamois, and a plethora of bird species. The park's varied habitats, ranging from dense forests to rocky peaks, support this rich tapestry of life. 

The landscape of Risnjak is a masterpiece of nature, with rugged peaks, tranquil forests, and pristine rivers defining its character. The jewel of the park is undoubtedly the source of the Kupa River, where visitors can witness the pure, unspoiled beauty of nature. Hiking trails meander through the park, offering opportunities for exploration and discovery at every turn. For the adventurous, Risnjak boasts 11 peaks to conquer, each offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.Risnjak is also a place of education and conservation. Educational trails provide insight into the park's flora, fauna, and geology, while organized research opportunities allow visitors to delve deeper into its mysteries. In addition to its natural wonders, Risnjak is also a place of cultural significance. The park's visitor centre, located in Crni Lug, offers exhibitions and interactive displays that celebrate the region's rich history and traditions. 


Source: Unsplash 

Whether you're yearning for tranquility amidst nature's embrace or seeking thrilling adventures in the wilderness, Risnjak National Park promises an unforgettable experience. With its untouched landscapes, rich ecosystems, and breathtaking beauty, it's easy to see why Risnjak captures the hearts of all who venture there.

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian