“Ask the Community” Forum

What are the advantages of being a member of the OLS Community?

What are the advantages of being a member of the OLS Community?

di Martin OLS Community Manager -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hi all travellers, 

Maybe you are thinking about all the steps you need to go through when moving abroad on a mobility programme. Erasmus+ or other EU programmes which all enable you to experience foreign culture and give you the opportunity to spend some time abroad. All of you moving to another country are also considering the necessities, needs and requirements for your next steps. No matter what is the issue, you can rely on our OLS communities with the Czech community being no exception. 

  • Being a member of the Czech OLS community gives you an access to free resources and forums where you may find answers to your questions related to moving/living abroad.

  • You can also find friends with similar interests and doing the same programme in the Czech Republic.
    Just visit the "Living abroad" forum (click here).

  • One of the biggest advantages is that you can learn Czech with the community members together and see your progress or where you need to make a bigger effort in order to for example complete the Placement Test.

Feel free to use our forums (click here) or Czech learning resources (click here). 

What do you think we should add to our OLS Community platform so it helps you the most with your travels?

Should you have any questions about using the OLS platform or becoming a member of the community, just ask me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Martin (Czech Community Manager)