"Living abroad" Forum

North of Portugal Community: ask questions, meet friends, find accommodation

Re: North of Portugal Community: ask questions, meet friends, find accommodation

od Juliane OLS Community Manager -
Število odgovorov: 0

Sunset Jardim do Morro

*Source: Ixan Curtamet 


Olá a todos!

Gostavas de saber um pouco mais sobre a experiência de mobilidade no Porto?

O Ixan foi estudante internacional no Porto o ano passado e partilhou connosco várias dicas de como podes aproveitar ao máximo o teu programa de Erasmus e praticar a língua portuguesa

Descobre mais aqui →My Language Learning: Interview with Ixan Curtamet ✈️ ←

Tens alguma questão para o Ixan? Podes fazer todas as perguntas neste discussion topic!

Até já

Juliane, OLS Community Manager - Portuguese


Hello, everyone!

Would you like to know a bit more about the mobility experience in Porto?

Ixan was an Erasmus student in Porto last year and shared with us a lot of tips on how you can make the most of your Erasmus programme and practice the Portuguese language!

Find out more here →My Language Learning: Interview with Ixan Curtamet ✈️

Do you have any questions for Ixan? You can ask all your questions in this discussion topic!

See you, 

Juliane, OLS Community Manager - Portuguese