“Practise your Croatian” Forum

Learn Some Croatian Everyday Phrases With Us! / Svakodnevni Izrazi

Learn Some Croatian Everyday Phrases With Us! / Svakodnevni Izrazi

Gudelj Barac Lore發表於
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Hello, dear Croatian learners!

Today we will focus on everyday phrases, which are a fundamental part of our language and communication. They are the building blocks that we use to express ourselves and understand others. These phrases are often short, simple, and easy to remember, which makes them perfect for everyday use. If you are in Croatia, we are sure you've learned some and we'd like to see it here, please, share them in the comments.

One of the most common everyday phrases is "Hello" or "Hi." In Croatian, we will say "Bok" or "Zdravo". This simple greeting is used to acknowledge and initiate a conversation with someone. It's a polite and friendly way to start a conversation and shows that you're interested in talking to the other person. If you add "How are you?", in Croatian "Kako si? " it would sound even better and it would show interest and concern for someone's day and well-being.

Other important everyday phrase is "Please" ("Molim te") and "Thank you." ("Hvala") These are basic manners that show respect and gratitude towards others. Saying "Molim te" when making a request and "Hvala" when someone does something for you, is a simple yet powerful way to build and maintain friendly and polite relationships.

Another common everyday phrase is "I'm sorry." This phrase is used to apologize for something that has gone wrong. It's a simple way to take responsibility for our actions and the mistakes that we may have made. In Croatian we would say "Žao mi je", adding a sad expression.

Another everyday phrase that is often used is "Što ima? " (meaning "What's up?"). This phrase is used as a casual greeting and is a way to inquire about someone's current situation, and it's a more informal way of asking "How are you?" and is often used between friends.

Another everyday phrase that is widely used is "Čujemo se", meaning ("We'll talk"). This phrase is used to schedule a meeting or conversation with someone, usually with the intention of catching up on what's been happening in each other's lives. It's a simple and easy way to schedule time with friends or colleagues and stay connected. But, you must know that in Croatia, this is a pretty flexible phrase, as you may not hear from that person soon.

If you want to wish somebody luck, you would say "Sretno" ("Good luck"). This phrase is used to wish someone well and for encouragement.

"Oprosti" ("Excuse me") is another everyday phrase that is used to politely interrupt someone or ask for their attention. In Croatia, it's not always well accepted to interrupt somebody while speaking, so make sure to use this phrase when doing it.

Finally, "Javit ću ti se" ( "I'll get back to you") is a useful phrase that is often used to acknowledge that you need more time to think and will call afterward. It's a polite way to manage expectations, but please, make sure you do it.

Everyday phrases play a vital role in our language and communication. Whether it's a casual greeting, a request, an apology, or a question, everyday phrases help us to communicate effectively and build positive relationships with others. We made a short list of expressions you may find useful, and please tell us what you've learned so far.


Kako ide?/ How's it going?

Što ima novoga?/ What's new?

Čini mi se./ I think so.

Žao mi je što kasnim./ Sorry for being late.

Lijepo se provedi./ Have a great time.

Nije me briga./ I don't care.

Puno hvala./ Thank you very much.

Zvuči dobro./ That sounds good to me.

Što bi radije?/ What do you prefer.

Gdje ćemo se naći?/ Where are we meeting?

Kad ćemo se naći?/ What time are we meeting?

Imaš li nešto protiv?/ Is that okay with you?

Vidimo se kasnije./ See you later.

Ok./ Ok

Naravno./ Of course.

Naravno da ne./ Of course not.

U redu je./ That's fine.

Jel sve u redu?/ Is everything ok.

Nema veze./ It doesn't matter

Nije važno./ It's not important.

Zašto?/ Why?

Zašto ne?/ Why not?

U žurbi sam./ I'm in a hurry.

Moram ići./ I've got to go.

Također./ Same to you.

Nije loše./ Not bad.

Žao mi je./ I'm sorry.

Uđi./ Come in

Samo minutu./ Just a minute.

Ne brini se./ Don't worry.

Nemam ništa protiv./ I don't mind.

Hvala. /Thank you.

Nema na čemu./ Don't mention it.


Photo: Unsplash

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian