“Practise your Macedonian” Forum

Let's Go Skiing! Practice Your Language Skills While Skiing

Let's Go Skiing! Practice Your Language Skills While Skiing

by Denica Bojarovska -
Number of replies: 0

Wintertime is great to visit some of the ski centers in North Macedonia.

If you are not much informed about which one to visit, have a look at the article We have fresh snow in the mountains. Do you like winter sports?! - posted in the Resources section last week and choose the destination that fits your imagination of one day spent in the snow. 

While planning the trip or even when skiing, it would be fun to practice your Macedonian language skills. Let’s see a few conversational phrases that might be useful and fun to know.

Дали скијаш? - Do you ski?
Сакаш ли да одиме на скијање? – Do you want to go skiing?
Јас скијам од мал/мала. - I have been skiing since I was a child.
Јас возам сноуборд. - I'm a snowboarder.
Дали имаш опрема за скијање? - Do you have ski equipment?
Каде може да изнајмам опрема за скијање? - Where can I rent ski equipment?
Јас немам ракавици. Дали имаш да ми позајмиш? - I don't have gloves. Can you lend me one?
Мораш да носиш кацига. - You have to wear a helmet.
Овие кондури за скијање не ми се удобни. - These ski boots are not comfortable for me.
Да го завршиме денот со чај во бачило. - Let's end the day with tea at the ski hut.

Invite your friends to ski and have fun on the slopes! Let us know in the comments if you have visited one of the ski centers in North Macedonia after reading these posts in the forum.

Denica, OLS Community Manager – Macedonian