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Beautician: Hello and welcome to our salon. How can I help you?

Client: Hello. I would like to make an appointment for a facial.

Beautician: Alright. We offer several treatments. What would you like?

Client: I would like something for skin radiance and reducing wrinkles.

Beautician: Alright. We have a Vitamin C-based facial. It is excellent for skin radiance and has anti-aging benefits. It also includes a face massage to relax the muscles and stimulate blood circulation.

Client: That would be perfect. How long is the treatment?

Beautician: The treatment with the massage takes one hour and costs 70 euros. I can give you an appointment for next week. Will that be alright with you?

Client: Yes, that is perfect. Should I pay now?

Beautician: No, you pay at the end of your appointment. Have a nice day and see you next week.