Slovene Music


Slovene folk music


Folk music or »narodnozabavna glasba« is a musical genre characterized by folk (ethnic) colored songs. It is widespread mainly in Slovenia, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany and is characterized by the accordion (the diatonic harmonica or the frettonerica), which is well represented in our area at the expense of around 65 makers.


In Slovenia, this type of music is often present at celebrations and weddings, and quite a few festivals and competitions are also dedicated to it, but some pejoratively call it “beef music” or simply beefy, because usually this music belongs next to Sunday beef soup.

The polka is probably the most well-known form and is characterized by its fast tempo and catchy melodies. The waltz is another popular form and Slovene waltzes are typically slower in tempo than polkas, and often feature beautiful, romantic melodies. Recently, with the influence of modern popular music, other rhythms are also present, for example turbo-folk music.

One of the greatest musicians of folk music in Slovenia and in the world is Slavko Avsenik, who created around 800 songs with his Ensemble of the Avsenik Brothers. The most famous composition is Na Golici, which is considered the most-played instrumental composition in the world.


Slovene pop & rock music

Since the early 2000s, Slovene pop-rock music has made a name for itself on the international music scene and is characterized by its combination of traditional rock elements with the melodic and harmonic sensibilities of pop music. Influences from rock, pop, folk, jazz, and classical music can be found in the sound of Slovene pop-rock bands.

The most popular Slovenian pop-rock bands include Laibach, Siddharta, Zmelkoow, Big Foot Mama and Dan D. Laibach is considered to be the most influential Slovene pop-rock band, and has gained international acclaim through their unique blend of alternative rock, industrial, and electronic music. Siddharta is another popular band, whose music combines elements of rock, funk, and electronica. Zmelkoow is a punk rock band that is known for its energetic live performances.

Over the years, Slovene pop-rock music has continued to evolve and expand its influence. The genre has become increasingly popular, both at home and abroad. There are also many rock festivals in Slovenia, such as Rock Otočec, No border Jam, Soča Reggae Riversplash, Metal festival in Bovec and many other motofests.

The Slovenian pop-rock scene is also home to a variety of solo artists, such as Magnifico, Severa Gjurin, Nina Pušlar, Neisha, Zlatko, Vlado Kreslin, Jan Plestenjak and many more.

Do you like Slovene folk music or popular music? Can you name a few ensembles, bands, or singers from Slovenia?* Which one is your favorite and why?

Reply in a comment HERE at the »Living Abroad« Forum.




-       Ansambel Lojzeta Slaka

-       Beneški fantje

-       Alfi Nipič

-       Frajkinclari

-       Donačka

-       Gadi

-       Modrijani

-       Poskočni muzikanti

*Radio station with folk music: Radio Veseljak


Modern singers/songwriters:

-       Andrej Šifrer

-       Adi Smolar

-       Peter Lovšin

-       Zoran Predin

Ostatnia modyfikacja: Friday, 24 March 2023, 13:56