OLS Forum Netiquette and House Rules / Netiquette u Regoli Ġenerali għall-Forum tal-OLS

The OLS forum is the right place for getting in touch with other Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants. In the forum, you will be able to connect and share your language learning and cultural experiences with your peers. Moreover, within our forums you will find our community managers ready to answer your questions and help you succeed! 

In order to ensure a smooth and fruitful participation for all the members of the forum, we kindly ask you to have a look and respect the following rules of the house: 

  • Be helpful and feel free to ask for help 

The community forum is a place to share cultural experiences and to support each other in learning a new language. Please feel encouraged to ask questions, start discussions and participate! 

  • Do not spam or self-promote in the forum 

Do not spam the forum with links to another website/product. Do not try to self-promote your website/business or publish malicious content. Your account may be banned temporarily or permanently if you continually ignore this rule (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). 

  • Do not post copyright-infringing material 

Do not upload, attach, or otherwise post any copyrighted material that you are not authorised to redistribute (subject to the licensing terms of the specific item). If you have a question about permissions to post or attach a specific item, please ask a moderator. 

  • Do not post "offensive" posts, links or images 

Do not post anything which is offensive, hateful, racist, sexist, discriminatory, obscene, vulgar or in violation of local or international laws. 

  • Be respectful of other users, moderators and administrators. 

All posts should be collaborative and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. 

  • Protect your personal information 

We strongly recommend that you do not publish personal information in the forum. Personal information includes, for example, your email address, phone number, Erasmus+ grant numbers, etc. 

  • Do not publish content incentivizing the use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. 

If you break a rule, you will either receive a warning or be banned. A ban on your user account may either be temporary or permanent. 

And most importantly: Have fun! 

Learning a new 
language and going abroad is an exciting experience. The OLS Community is here to support you!


Il-forum OLS huwa l-post it-tajjeb biex isir kuntatt ma’ parteċipanti oħra ta’ Erasmus+ u tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. Fil-forum, tkun tista' tikkonnettja u taqsam l-esperjenzi kulturali u tat-tagħlim tal-lingwa tiegħek ma' sħabek. Barra minn hekk, fil-fora ssib lill-maniġers tal-komunità tagħna lesti biex iwieġbu l-mistoqsijiet tiegħek u jgħinuk tirnexxi!

Sabiex tiġi żgurata parteċipazzjoni bla xkiel u produttiva għall-membri kollha tal-forum, ġentilment nitolbuk tagħti ħarsa u tirrispetta r-regoli ġenerali li ġejjin:

  • Kun ta' għajnuna u tiddejjaqx li titlob għall-għajnuna

Il-forum tal-komunita' huwa post fejn jistgħu jinqasmu esperjenzi kulturali u fejn nappoġġjaw lil xulxin fit-tagħlim ta' lingwa ġdida. Tiddejjaqx tistaqsi mistoqsijiet, tibda diskussjonijiet u tipparteċipa!

  • Tispammjax jew tippromwovix lilek innifsek fil-forum

Tispammjax il-forum b'links għal websajt/prodott ieħor. Tippruvax tippromwovi l-websajt/in-negozju tiegħek jew tippubblika kontenut malizzjuż. Il-kont tiegħek jista' jiġi ibbanjat temporanjament jew b'mod permanenti  jekk tinjora din ir-regola ripetutament (din titħalla għad-diskrezzjoni tat-tim ta' moderazzjoni).

  • Ittellax materjal li jikser id-drittijiet tal-awtur

Ittellax, turix jew tpoġġix b'xi mod ieħor materjal bid-drittijiet tal-awtur li m'intix awtorizzat li taqsam (suġġett għat-termini tal-liċenzjar tal-oġġett speċifiku jew kwistjoni speċifika). Jekk għandek mistoqsija dwar permessi biex tpoġġi jew tehmeż oġġett speċifiku, jekk jogħġbok staqsi moderatur.

  • Tpoġġix posts, links jew stampi "offensivi".

Tpoġġix xi ħaġa li tkun offensiva, tixhed mibegħda, jew li tkun razzista, sessista, diskriminatorja, oxxena, vulgari jew li tikser il-liġijiet lokali jew internazzjonali.

  • Uri rispett lejn l-utenti, moderaturi u amministraturi oħra.

Il-posts kollha għandhom ikunu kollaborattivi u jixhdu sens ta' korteżija. Għandek kull dritt ma taqbilx mal-membri sħabek tal-komunità u tispjega l-perspettiva tiegħek. Madankollu, m'intix liberu li tattakkahom, tiddegrada, tinsulenta, jew b'xi mod ieħor tiddenigrahom jew il-kwalità ta' din il-komunità.

  • Ipproteġi l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek

Nirrakkomandaw bil-qawwa li ma tippubblikax informazzjoni personali fil-forum. L-informazzjoni personali tinkludi, pereżempju, l-indirizz elettroniku tiegħek, in-numru tat-telefon, in-numri tal-għotja ta’ Erasmus+, eċċ.

  • Tippubblikax kontenut li jinċentiva l-użu ta' alkoħol, tabakk jew drogi.

Jekk tikser din ir-regola, jew tirċievi twissija jew tiġi bbanjat. Ban fuq il-kont tal-utent tiegħek tista' tkun jew temporanja jew permanenti.

U l-aktar importanti: ħu gost!

Li titgħallem lingwa ġdida u li tmur tgħix barra huma esperjenzi mill-isbaħ. Il-Komunità OLS hi hawn biex tgħinek!

Zuletzt geändert: Tuesday, 20. December 2022, 15:41