The Sámi National Day

The Sámi National Day 

sami flag

What are Sámi people? 

The Sámi people, also known as the Sámi or Saami, are indigenous Finno-Ugric people who have historically lived in the Arctic regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The total Sámi population in these four countries is estimated at approx. 80,000, of whom around half live in Norway. They have their own parliament, distinct culture, language, and traditions, and they have played an important role in the history of the Nordic countries. The Sámi Parliament in Norway, which the Sámi people democratically elect, is an expression of recognition that the Sámi are one of two peoples in Norway. 

sami people

Typical Sámi cultural practices include reindeer herding, fishing, hunting, and the use of traditional clothing and musical instruments. The Sámi people have a rich cultural heritage, which includes storytelling, poetry, and shamanism, as well as traditional crafts such as leather work, wood carving, and jewelry making.


Why do we celebrate Sámi National Day? 

In recent years, the Sámi people have faced challenges to their cultural identity and land rights, but they continue to work to preserve their culture and traditions. Sámi National Day, which lands on January 6th every year, provides an opportunity for the Sámi people to celebrate their heritage, promote greater understanding and appreciation of their culture, and for others to learn about and appreciate the Sámi culture. The day is also a time to reflect on the history and struggles of the Sámi people, as well as to look ahead to a future in which their culture and traditions are valued and preserved.  

The Sámi National Day has its roots in the first Sámi Congress held in 1917 when Sámi people gathered to discuss their rights and cultural identity. The day was first celebrated in 1993, and the Sámi flag was declared an official flag in Norway in 2003. “Sámi Soga Lávlla” is the official anthem of the Sámi people. 

sami language 

How to say... 

There are about 9 different Sámi languages, and 3 are actively used in Norway. The most widely spoken Sámi language is Northern Sámi, which is spoken in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Other Sámi languages include Lule Sámi, Southern Sámi, Skolt Sámi, and Inari Sámi. In Norway, we say “gratulerer med dagen” to congratulate someone on the Sámi National Day. To congratulate someone in Sámi, you can say: 

Læhkoeh biejjine! (Southern Sámi) 

Vuorbbe biejvijn! (Lule Sámi) 

Lihkku beivviin! (Northern Sámi) 

sami with reindeer


How to celebrate Sámi National Day 

Usually, events to celebrate Sámi National Day include speeches, concerts, traditional Sámi music and dance performances, and the raising of the Sámi flag.  

Below are some suggestions on how you can celebrate the Sámi National Day in 2023: 

  1. Attend a traditional Sámi i event: Many communities hold events to celebrate Sámi National Day, including concerts, speeches, and traditional Sámi music and dance performances. I highly recommend looking up “Sámi joik music” to have a listen. 
  2. Learn about Sámi culture and history: Sámi National Day is a great opportunity to learn about the rich cultural heritage of the Sámi people, including their language, traditions, and customs. Visit local libraries to see if they host special events, readings, and talks during the Sámi week.  
  3. Raise the Sámi flag: The Sámi flag is an important symbol of the Sámi people and is raised on Sámi National Day to celebrate their culture and heritage. 
  4. Visit a Sámi museum or cultural center: Learn about the history and traditions of the Sámi people by visiting a museum or cultural center dedicated to their culture. 
  5. Taste traditional Sámi food: Try traditional Sámi dishes, such as reindeer stew or smoked fish, to experience a taste of the Sámi culture. 
  6. Buy traditional Sámi handicrafts: Support the Sámi community by purchasing traditional Sámi handicrafts, such as leather goods, jewelry, or wood carvings. 
  7. Take part in a Sámi language course: If you're interested in learning more about the Sámi language, consider taking a language course or participating in a conversation group. 

sami art

Below are some useful links to the full programs to celebrate Sámi National Day in different regions of Norway. Tip: translate the pages from Norwegian into English, as this information is often only available in Norwegian or Sámi: 

Hamarøy Sámi Days (February 3rd – 9th 2023):  

Tromsø Sámi Week (February 6th – 12th 2023):  

Oslo (February 6th – 8th 2023):  

Bodø Sámi Week (February 6th – 11th 2023):  

Regardless of how you choose to celebrate Sámi National Day, it is a time to acknowledge the rich culture and heritage of the Sámi people and to show support for their continued preservation and growth. 

Lihkku beivviin! 

Last modified: Monday, 6 February 2023, 10:45 PM