Short introduction into Lithuanian music scene!

Dear community members, 

In this blog post, I would like to introduce you to Lithuanian music scene by giving a short overview of some of the more known Lithuanian singers and bands. In the text I will be focusing on the singers and bands, who are performing in Lithuanian language. After all, listening to music might be a great way to improve one’s language skills! 

While I will be covering the bands and singers which I know the best, do not hesitate to share your favorite Lithuanian bands, artists or songs in the Practice your Lithuanian forum! 

Vytautas Kernagis 

Vytautas Kernagis (1951-2008) was a performer and author of Lithuanian music, singing poetry, director of entertainment events, TV presenter. Considered to be the pioneer of singing poetry in Lithuania, he created more than 200 songs, taking inspiration from various Lithuanian poems. Kernagis is remembered as one of the most beloved and iconic figures in Lithuanian musical history. 

You can check some of the most well-known songs below: 

Kai sirpsta vysnios Suvalkijoj (Kai sirpsta vyšnios Suvalkijoj) 

Musu dienos kaip svente (Mūsų dienos kaip šventė)

Saukiu as tauta (Šaukiu aš tautą)            

Andrius Mamontovas 

Andrius Mamontovas is a Lithuanian singer, songwriter, musician, and producer. He was born on August 23, 1967, in Vilnius. Mamontovas started his music career in the late 1980s as a member of the band Foje, which became one of the most popular Lithuanian rock bands of all time. After the band disbanded in 1997, Mamontovas pursued a solo career and has released multiple albums.  He is known for his meaningful and poetic lyrics and his ability to combine rock, pop, and folk music styles in his songs. He is also known for his humanitarian work and activism for social and environmental causes. 

Some of his most well-known songs include: 

Marso kanjonai 

Tavo svajone (Tavo svajonė) 

Kitoks pasaulis

Dzordana Butkute (Džordana Butkutė) 

Dzordana Butkute is a Lithuanian rock and pop music performer. She was born on October 3rd, 1968, in Raseiniai. Butkute is known for her powerful and versatile voice, and her ability to sing different genres of music, including pop, rock, and folk. Sometimes being called “The queen of Lithuanian pop music”, she has contributed towards the Lithuanian music scene by writing many notorious songs and has toured multiple times around the Lithuania and beyond. 

You can check some of her songs below: 

Nemylejau taves (Nemylėjau tavęs) 

Vienas namuose 

Ieva Narkute-Seduikiene (Ieva Narkute) 

Ieva Narkute-Seduikiene (Ieva Narkutė–Šeduikienė), born June 22nd, 1987, in Kaunas is a creator and performer of Lithuanian singing poetry. She became notorious after creating the song "Raudoni Vakarai”. Scoring very high in Lithuanian music rankings, it became Ieva's signature song, boosting her popularity around the country. You can listen to the song here: 

Raudoni vakarai 


One of the most popular Lithuanian rock bands of the modern day, ba. has gained massive following in the last few years and has successfully toured around the country several times. ba. (Initials of Benas Aleksandravičius) began as a solo music project, making breakthrough in 2013 and continuing to attract wider audience throughout the years.  

Some of the more notorious songs by the band can be seen below: 

Tai ne zmogus (Tai ne žmogus) 

Sugebet pasikeist (Sugebėt pasikeist) 

Which of the songs have you liked the most? Maybe you have your own favorite Lithuanian musicians or bands? Let’s have a chat about it! 



OLS Lithuanian community manager 

Senest ændret: Tuesday den 14. March 2023, 21:18