Norwegian TV shows and Movies

Norwegian TV shows and Movies 

Norwegian TV shows and Movies


If you're looking to boost your Norwegian language proficiency, immersing yourself in the language is one of the best ways to do it. One way to immerse yourself in Norwegian is by watching TV shows and movies in the language. Many Norwegians can speak English fluently thanks to the various media channels in English. Among younger generations, popular music, TV, and movies are often absorbed in English without dubbed audio. Norwegian pop culture is so influenced by English that you can often hear borrowed English words in colloquial Norwegian conversations.  

While taking classes and courses are essential to improving your language skills, you can combine it with other creative and entertaining methods. In this blog post, we'll explore some Norwegian TV shows and movies that can help you improve your Norwegian skills. We will also leave you with a few quotes from each TV show or movie to practice your Norwegian. 

1. "Skam" (Shame) 

"Skam" is a Norwegian teen drama that became an international sensation when it first aired in 2015. Being such an international success, you can find numerous remakes and international versions of “Skam” now. Despite that, the original “Skam” from Norway is a worthy watch. 


The series follows a group of teenagers at a high school in Oslo and tackles a variety of issues, from identity and relationships to social media and mental health. While you get a first-hand perspective of Norwegian teenage life and teenage culture, you also get to hear nuances through slang and colloquial Norwegian. 

"Skam" is known for its realistic portrayal of teenage life and its use of social media as a storytelling tool. The series is available with Norwegian subtitles on NRK P3’s website, which is free to access here. 

Watch and learn. Here are some quotes from “Skam” 

  • "Jeg vil heller dø enn å bruke en pakke med tannpirkere." (Translation: "I'd rather die than use a pack of toothpicks.") 

  • "Jeg har en app for alt, til og med for å huske å puste." (Translation: "I have an app for everything, even to remember to breathe.") 

  • "Jeg kan ikke konsentrere meg når folk har stygge sko." (Translation: "I can't concentrate when people have ugly shoes.") 

  • "Jeg har sett så mange serier at jeg har begynt å drømme på engelsk." (Translation: "I've watched so many shows that I've started to dream in English.") 

  • "Jeg har mer omsorg for mine negler enn jeg har for mennesker." (Translation: "I care more about my nails than I do about people.") 

  • "Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne kjøpe selvtillit på nettet." (Translation: "I wish I could buy self-confidence online.") 

2. "Verdens verste menneske” (The Worst Person in the World) 

"Verdens verste menneske" is a hilarious and heart-warming Norwegian movie about Julie, a woman who is just trying to figure out this whole adulting thing. She's a writer and filmmaker who's great at making up stories but struggles with finding her own place in the world. 

Julie's love life is a rollercoaster of hilarious misadventures, including falling for a married man and a much older artist. But through it all, she learns that love and life are messy and imperfect, and sometimes you just have to embrace the chaos. 

couple silhouette


With a talented cast of quirky characters and a soundtrack that will make you want to dance, "Verdens verste menneske" is a fun and relatable movie that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered to be your own worst person (in the best way possible). 

Here’s the trailer. 

Watch and learn. Here are some quotes from “Verdens verste menneske”. 

  • "Jeg tror jeg har tatt en overdose av livet mitt." (Translation: "I think I've overdosed on my life.") 

  • "Jeg har ikke en kjæreste, jeg har en fiende med fordeler." (Translation: "I don't have a girlfriend; I have an enemy with benefits.") 

  • "Jeg er så rik på innsikt at jeg ikke har råd til å betale regningene mine." (Translation: "I'm so rich in insight that I can't afford to pay my bills.") 

  • "Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne sette min egen personlighet på en diett." (Translation: "I wish I could put my own personality on a diet.") 

  • "Jeg er ikke sjalu, jeg er bare misunnelig på alle som er bedre enn meg." (Translation: "I'm not jealous, I'm just envious of everyone who's better than me.")


 3. "Børning" (Burnout) 

"Børning" is a Norwegian action-comedy film that follows a group of drivers as they compete in an illegal street race across Norway. Some call this movie the “Norwegian Fast and Furious”. There are already 2 sequels, “Børning 2” and “Børning 3” available for your enjoyment, which alredy qualifies these movies as a movie franchise. More for us to watch! 

race car


The film is known for its thrilling car chases and its depiction of Norway's stunning scenery. You get to learn Norwegian and to see gorgeous Norwegian nature at the same time.  

"Børning" is available with Norwegian audio and English subtitles. Here’s the trailer. 

Watch and learn. Here are some quotes from “Børning”: 

  • "Gass i bånn og beina på bordet!" - "Pedal to the metal and feet on the table!" 

  • "Jeg har en lapp fra politiet som sier at jeg har lov å kjøre fort." - "I have a note from the police that says I'm allowed to drive fast." 

  • "Det er ikke størrelsen på motoren som teller, men hva du gjør med den." - "It's not the size of the engine that matters, but what you do with it." 

  • "Jeg tror jeg får en flatskjerm av å kjøre så fort." - "I think I'm going to get a flat screen TV from driving so fast." 

  • "Er det ikke et jævla skille mellom fart og spenning?" - "Isn't there a damn difference between speed and excitement?" 

  • a politiet så mange ganger, jeg har mistet tellingen. Men det er alltid like gøy!" - "I've outrun the police so many times, I've lost count. But it's always just as fun!" 

 4. "Hjem til jul” (Home for Christmas) 

"Hjem til jul" is a Norwegian TV show that premiered in 2019. The show is a romantic comedy-drama and consists of six episodes, mostly enjoyed around the holidays. 

The series follows Johanne, a 30-year-old nurse who is single and unhappy about it. She tells her family and friends that she has a boyfriend and that he will be coming home with her for Christmas. However, the problem is that she doesn't have a boyfriend, so she sets out to find one in the weeks leading up to Christmas. 

Christmas street light

Throughout the series, Johanne goes on a series of dates with different men, some of which are successful, while others are disastrous. Along the way, she also deals with family drama, work-related stress, and her own personal issues. As the holiday season approaches, Johanne becomes increasingly desperate to find a boyfriend and keep up the charade in front of her family. 

"Hjem til jul" is a heart-warming and humorous series that explores themes of love, family, and self-discovery. It has been praised for its realistic portrayal of modern dating and relationships, as well as its charming performances and relatable characters. 

Here is the trailer. 

Watch and learn. Here are some quotes from “Hjem til Jul”: 

  • "Det er ikke en julefilm før noen gråter på bussen." (Translation: "It's not a Christmas movie until someone cries on the bus.") 

  • "Jeg har alltid hatt en lidenskap for døde grener." (Translation: "I've always had a passion for dead branches.") 

  • "Det er ikke jul før man har krasjet en bil og tatt med seg en fremmed hjem." (Translation: "It's not Christmas until you've crashed a car and brought a stranger home.") 

  • "Jeg vil heller brenne opp i flammer enn å måtte se på enda en julefilm." (Translation: "I'd rather burn up in flames than have to watch another Christmas movie.") 

  • "Jeg har ingen juleglede å spre, jeg har bare en flaske vin og en midtlivskrise." (Translation: "I have no Christmas joy to spread, I just have a bottle of wine and a midlife crisis.") 

 5. "Kongens Nei” (The King's Choice) 

Here comes the war movie on this list. "Kongens nei" is an inspiring movie that tells the remarkable story of King Haakon VII and his courageous stand against Nazi Germany during World War II. Set in Norway in 1940, the movie portrays the harrowing events that unfold as the Nazis invade the country and attempt to force the King to surrender. 

black and white ww2

With breathtaking cinematography and powerful performances by the cast, "Kongens nei" captures the tension and uncertainty of the time, as the fate of Norway hangs in the balance. Through it all, "Kongens nei" is a story of courage, sacrifice, and determination, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and freedom can prevail. 

This gripping and inspiring movie is a must-see for anyone who loves history, drama, or just a great story of heroism and triumph. With its epic scope, stunning visuals, and unforgettable performances, "Kongens nei" is a true masterpiece of cinema that will stay with you long after the credits roll. 

Here is the trailer. 

Watch and learn. Here are some quotes from “Kongens Nei”: 

  • "Vi må aldri glemme at det finnes viktigere ting enn livet selv." (Translation: "We must never forget that there are more important things than life itself.") 

  • "Vi kan ikke forhandle med en fiende som ikke anerkjenner vår eksistens." (Translation: "We cannot negotiate with an enemy who doesn't recognize our existence.") 

  • "Kongen har ikke mulighet til å velge det enkleste alternativet, han må velge det rette." (Translation: "The King doesn't have the option to choose the easiest alternative, he must choose the right one.") 

  •  "Vi er ikke konger av Norge, vi er tjenere av vårt folk." (Translation: "We are not kings of Norway, we are servants of our people.") 

  • "I krig er alle offer, men noen ganger er det nødvendig å ofre for å redde det viktigste av alt: Friheten." (Translation: "In war, everyone is a victim, but sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice to save the most important thing of all: Freedom.") 

This list only includes TV shows and movies that has spoken Norwegian. However, there are plentiful of TV shows and movies that are produced in Norway or has a storyline based in Norway, but has English as primary language. Here are some honourable mentions: “Kon-Tiki”, “Norsemen”, and “Lilyhammer”. 


Although the Norwegian movie industry is relatively small compared other countries, it’s getting more momentum recently. With the above list of Movies and TV shows, you’ll have a great start at practicing your Norwegian skills and learn about how Norwegian people live, communicate, and interact with each other. 

If you’re a beginner, most of the above TV show and movies have English subtitles. For those who have a decent level in Norwegian, I highly encourage you to watch the above TV shows and movies with Norwegian subtitles, in order to learn spelling and reading as well.  

Regardless of how you choose to watch these series and movies, you’ll have fun time learning. 

Are you entertained


Disclaimer: All images in this post are not taken from the TV shows or movies mentioned above. They are random stock photos. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 4:43 PM