Adaptacja do zmian klimatu (Adaptation to climate change- essentials)
Roinnt uaireanta an chloig
Mionsonraí an chúrsa
The online module on “Adaptation to climate change – essentials” explores the following aspects related to the adaptation to climate change in seven modules:
- General information about climate change”
- Adaptation and mitigation
- Impact of climate change
- Documents regulating climate change adaptation issues
- Implementation of adaptation actions
- Access to information on adaptation actions
- Preferred nature-based solutions
The course is delivered in Polish.
An spriocphobal
The online course is open to anyone interested on the topic.
Cuspóirí foghlama
The learning objectives of this online module are:
- Understanding the risks related to climate change
- Understanding the difference between mitigation and adaptation
- Learning about the main aspects of adaptation to climate change
- Learning about Climate-ADAPT and the key tools it offers
- Becoming aware of national strategic documents regarding adaptation to climate change as well as possible examples of adaptation actions at the local level
Tá an t‑inneachar seo á thairiscint ag an gCoimisiún Eorpach. Is é an Coimisiún Eorpach brainse feidhmiúcháin an Aontais Eorpaigh atá neamhspleách ó thaobh na polaitíochta de. Is ise amháin atá freagrach as tograí a tharraingt suas le haghaidh reachtaíocht Eorpach nua, agus is ise a chuireann chun f

- Inroduction and Module 1
- Module 2
- Module 3
- Module 4
- Module 5
- Module 6
- Module 7
- Final Test