EFSA Plant pest surveillance toolkit

A few hours

Course details

This course aims to improve the robustness and harmonisation of pest surveys across the EU, enhancing early detection and crisis preparedness in plant health. By providing a tutorial to do the Plant pest surveillance process: Initiate, Prepare, Design, Implement, Conclude using EFSA methodological framework for statistically sound and risk based surveillance.

Target audience

The target audience of this initiative is both in the 27 European Member States and the third countries:
  • the inspection services of national, regional or local authorities competent for the planning and execution of the pest surveillance
  • the services that support the inspection with laboratory diagnostics
  • the risk managers that are involved in decisions related to the planning of surveillance activities and manage the contingency plans for crisis preparedness in case of outbreaks of regulated pests.

Learning objectives

After participation any attendant will be able to prepare, design, execute and conclude the detection, delimiting and buffer zone surveys using the methodological framework and tools developed by EFSA.

Offered by

EFSA is an agency of the European Union set up in 2002 to serve as an impartial source of scientific advice to risk managers and to communicate on risks associated with the food chain.

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  1. Welcome
  2. Webinar 1 - EFSA Plant pest survey Methodological framework - November 2024
  3. Webinar 2 - Pest survey Toolkit: Risk-based Pest Survey Tool (RiPEST) - December 2024
  4. Webinar 3 - Introducing OptiPest - January 2025