eHDSI training

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Detalii curs

The course will provide information about the legal framework, deployment, functioning and evolvement of MyHealth@EU Infrastructure, which is the cross-border digital infrastructure for the exchange of health data.

Public tinta

Staff of the Member States’ competent authorities involved in setting up, deploying and operating of MyHealth@EU. 

Those are members of the: NCPeH, eHealth DSI Members States Expert Group (eHMSEG), Ministries of Health, Digitalization, or other Ministries responsible for MyHealth@EU implementation, National Digital Health Networks, eHealth Stakeholders Group.

Obiective de invatare

You will improve knowledge transfer and raise awareness of MyHealth@EU and to promote a harmonised approach to the deployment and operation of National Contact Points for eHealth (NCPeH).

Oferit de

Continut oferit de Comisia Europeana.The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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  1. MyHealth@EU Infrastructure
  2. Foundation lessons
  3. Practitioner lessons
  4. eLearning material
  5. Follow-up Compliance Check