Introduction to Open Software Licensing
Course details
Target audience
This course has a broad audience, from IT professionals to public servants working in the field of digitalisation and in the domain of integration of public services, i.e. IT developers, lawyers, Policy makers, Civil Servants.The current course provides an extreme added-value to IT professionals in particular, as it gives insights on how to select the proper licence for ICT products and solutions.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course the learner will:
- Understand what a licence is, why we need it, and what different models of licence exist
- Understand Open Source rights
- Distinguish between the various types of open licences
- Recognise the benefits of open source licences
- Understand the concept of licence reciprocity, software compatibility and interoperability.
- Understand how open licences contribute to software interoperability
This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

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