Mechanism Introduction Course for EU Delegations and ECHO Field Offices staff

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Description du cours

This course focuses on strategic issues and the primary audience for this online learning is:

Public cible

- EU Delegation staff, in particular consular correspondents and civil protection focal points; 
- DG ECHO Field Offices, Logistics and Security Coordinators, Rapid Response Coordinators and Regional Information Officers; and
- Member and Participating States Embassies.

Objectifs d'apprentissage

This online course aims to provide participants with the necessary knowledge about the following topics:

1 Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM);
2 Disaster management principles;
3 Legal framework for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid; and
4 Role of EU Delegations and ECHO field offices in supporting and working with certain operational aspects of the UCPM.
After the course, you will understand the specificities of the UCPM prevention, preparedness and response to disasters in an international context and the roles expected from the EU Delegations and ECHO Field Offices staff.
This course is available only in English, French and Spanish. Please choose one of these languages!

Offert par

Ce contenu est offert par la Commission européenne. La Commission européenne est le bras exécutif politiquement indépendant de l'Union européenne. Elle est seule chargée d'élaborer des propositions de nouvelle législation européenne et elle met en œuvre les décisions du Parlement européen et du Cons

3.3 (3)


  1. Introduction
  2. 1. Lesson
  3. 2. Lesson
  4. 3. Lesson
  5. 4. Lesson
  6. 5. Lesson
  7. Final Test