Module 1 – Getting organised for reconstruction
More than one week
Course details
The international community offers various proposals to support different scale projects for Ukrainian Hromadas. The local managers have to process the required project management skills to be competitive in cooperation with these institutions for the implementation of their own projects. This module aims to introduce to the Ukranian hromadas the best practices and cases for inspiration in organising processes within hromada in times of uncertainty for efficient and impactful project implementation, basic project management methods, team motivation and management, approaches for fundraising, stakeholders and partners involvement and participatory practices.
This module is curated by Ro3kvit
Target audience
The target audience of this module are teams from small, medium and large municipalities in Ukraine. The municipalities form their own teams based on competencies and responsibilities.
Taking into account its transversal approach, the module would be useful for the managers of different spheres present in the communities’ (hromada’s) governance. The topics of webinars are designed for Deputy Heads of Hromada in charge of different aspects as well as Head and Deputy Heads of departments, units, offices, municipal enterprises, and development institutes who has responsibilities in specific sphere and manages a shere, sector or project within the community.
Course materials are open to all those interested
Learning objectives
The participants will receive insights and real-life Ukrainian and European cases and examples and:
- will understand how better to set up and manage the team for efficient organisation in the conditions of uncertainty,
- will know the aspects to take into consideration while planning the quality project,
- will be able to see the difference between result and impact, will understand how to involve different king of stakeholders into the projects and to encourage citizens to participate in reconstruction,
- will understand where where to look for funding, what to prepare for it and how deal with donors’ expectations as well as different types of fundings: grants, loans, sponsorships, technical assistance etc.
This content is offered by the European Commission. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

- Загальна інформація про Модуль 1
- 06.04 | Вебінар 1: Лідерство, командна робота й мотивація для ефективної організації процесів
- 13.04 | Вебінар 2: Робота над проєктами у громаді
- 20.04 | Вебінар 3: Залучення зацікавлених осіб та громадська участь у проєктах відбудови
- 27.04 | Вебінар 4: Фінансові можливості для громад