Quality eTwinning Projects 2: Pedagogical Approaches
Деталі курсу
The eTwinning quality criteria online course on pedagogical approaches is designed for educators who wish to improve the quality of their eTwinning projects. The course explores the various pedagogical approaches that can be used in eTwinning projects, including cooperative learning and project-based learning supported by purposeful use of technology. The course also covers the importance of meaningful use of digital tools and setting clear learning objectives.
The Quality eTwinning Projects 2: Pedagogical Approaches course is the second course of a series which only focus on the Criteria of Quality Labels. You can find the first course of the series on Collaboration between Partner Schools and the Use of ICT here.
Throughout the course, participants will learn how to design eTwinning project activities that are both engaging and effective. Participants will also gain an understanding of how to assess the quality of eTwinning projects and how to use assessment data to improve future projects.
The course is delivered entirely online and consists of four modules. Each module includes a mix of theoretical content, practical activities, and case studies.
Overall, the eTwinning quality criteria online course on pedagogical approaches is a valuable resource for educators who want to enhance their eTwinning projects and improve the quality of learning outcomes for their students
Duration and workload
Start date: 24 April 2023
End date: 10 May 2023
Duration: 2 weeks and 2 days
Workload: 8-10 hours
This course has concluded but the content remains available for browsing!
- You can access the modules by enrolling in the course
- It is no longer possible to take part in the final activity and receive a certificate of completion
- Please note that user support for this course is no longer provided
Цільова аудиторія
This course is for all eTwinners from all school levels and subjects who want to reflect on their previous projects and design new project activities to raise their quality regarding the 3rd eTwinning quality criterion: Pedagogical Approaches.
Результати навчання
- Understand and reflect on the key pedagogical approaches that can be used in eTwinning projects.
- Learn about pedagogogial approaches that put students at the center of the learning procedure.
- Design eTwinning project activities with clear learning objectives.
- Assess the achievement of learning objectives.
- Gain practical experience in designing, implementing and evaluating eTwinning project activities.
Цей контент представлений Європейською комісією. Європейська Комісія є політично незалежною виконавчою структурою Європейського Союзу. Відповідальна за розробку пропозицій щодо нового європейського законодавства та виконує рішення Європейського парламенту та Ради Європейського Союзу.

- How to get started with this course
- Module 1: Pedagogical Approaches
- Module 2: Student-centred Learning
- Module 3: Educational Objectives and Assessment
- Module 4: Final task