Steering an Expert Knowledge Elicitation (EKE) in EFSA
Course details
Target audience
The target audience are EFSA staff, members of EFSA panels and the EFSA Scientific committee, members of EFSA working groups and networks, and corresponding experts from the member states all over EFSA’s remit, who would like to use EKE in quantitative risk assessments.
Learning objectives
- Recall the characteristics of EKE
- Explain the role and purpose of EKE in risk assessment and probabilistic expert judgements
- Identify and prioritise tasks in risk assessment suitable for EKE
- Frame a problem for EKE
- Identify, select, motivate and train experts for an elicitation
- Produce background information for an elicitation
- Select the appropriate elicitation method (Cooke, Delphi, Sheffield)
- Define the elicitation protocol, incl. adaptations, resources and selection of elicitors
- Document and interpret results; discuss and handle risks of elicitations
- Produce a complete documentation of an EKE
- Discuss handling of confidentiality during an EKE and issues of repeatability
EFSA is an agency of the European Union set up in 2002 to serve as an impartial source of scientific advice to risk managers and to communicate on risks associated with the food chain.

- Welcome - Important notice: read before continuing
- Module 1 - Principles and problem definition: role of the Working Group
- Module 2 - The pre-elicitation phase: role of the Steering Group
- Module 3 - The elicitation phase: methods and role of the Elicitation Group
- Module 4 - Selecting the method & Post-elicitation