In June 2021, the EU Academy course ‘Science for Policy – Maximise your Policy Impact’ surpassed 700 enrolments.
Early in 2021, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre launched a course under the Science for Policy umbrella with the aim of helping researchers to communicate more effectively the results of their work. Developing this competence is key to help researchers to liaise better with policymakers, who might have difficulties in dealing with research outputs that are not presented clearly and concisely.
The course provides the skills that researchers need to increase the impact of their research results on policy and society at large. Designed for early to mid-career researchers, the course equips participants with state-of-the-art knowledge and best practice examples from the field. Participants engage in interactive games and self-assessments to gauge their progress. The 60 minutes course can be followed at the learner’s convenience and own pace.
The course ‘Science for Policy – Maximise your Policy Impact’ was one of the very first courses published in the EU Academy. Taking as a baseline the participation of researchers in the ‘Evidence for Policy’ summer schools organised by the Joint Research Centre, an objective to reach 300 enrolments within the first 6 months of the course was established.
But researchers around Europe have shown an unexpected interest in the course, and within the first 6 months, 700 enrolments have been achieved. For Lene Topp, in charge of the course, “the high interest in the course shows that there is a real interest among researchers to further improve their skills to increase the impact of their research results on policy and society at large. It also proves that the participants appreciate the mixture of state-of-the-art knowledge with best practice examples and interactive games”.
Access the course description and enrol here:
The course provides the skills that researchers need to increase the impact of their research results on policy and society at large. Designed for early to mid-career researchers, the course equips participants with state-of-the-art knowledge and best practice examples from the field. Participants engage in interactive games and self-assessments to gauge their progress. The 60 minutes course can be followed at the learner’s convenience and own pace.
The course ‘Science for Policy – Maximise your Policy Impact’ was one of the very first courses published in the EU Academy. Taking as a baseline the participation of researchers in the ‘Evidence for Policy’ summer schools organised by the Joint Research Centre, an objective to reach 300 enrolments within the first 6 months of the course was established.
But researchers around Europe have shown an unexpected interest in the course, and within the first 6 months, 700 enrolments have been achieved. For Lene Topp, in charge of the course, “the high interest in the course shows that there is a real interest among researchers to further improve their skills to increase the impact of their research results on policy and society at large. It also proves that the participants appreciate the mixture of state-of-the-art knowledge with best practice examples and interactive games”.
Access the course description and enrol here: