
New Blog Post to Read: The Enduring Legacy of Goran Stefanovski

New Blog Post to Read: The Enduring Legacy of Goran Stefanovski

by Denica Bojarovska -
Number of replies: 0

Hello dear community, 

have you heard of Goran Stefanovski? Or maybe saw his memorial in the Debar Mallo neighborhood in Skopje? A bench with a statute of the great Macedonian playwriter and room to sit next to him?! 

If you were wondering why Skopje people are honoring this person that much, read the new blog post to learn about his legacy.

Goran's memorial in Debar Maalo

Here is a short summary to spark an interest in you. 

The enduring legacy of Goran Stefanovski, a master of playwriting, lives on. His captivating works resonated globally, exploring profound themes and challenging the status quo. Through 23 full-length plays, including "Wild Flesh," he delved into migration, identity, and humanity. Stefanovski's ability to ignite conversations and nurture young talents made him an inspiration. Though his untimely death left a void, his works continue to captivate and stimulate discourse. Today, we remember his luminary presence, celebrating his enriching contributions to literature and culture.

Enjoy our new read. 

Denica (OLS Community Manager - Macedonian language)