
#OLSCommunityStories video contest: we have the winners!

#OLSCommunityStories video contest: we have the winners!

by Denica Bojarovska -
Number of replies: 0


We are happy to announce that the evaluation process of the OLS video contest has been concluded. A jury of members of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the public relations agency European Service Network (ESN), and the language school CLL Centre de Langues, responsible for the language learning content on OLS, evaluated the videos. The selection criteria were as follows: relevance of the content; creativity – for example, an interesting or original storytelling approach; the technical quality of the video; and proficiency in the language used.

Our warm congratulations go to the 10 happy winners!

Discover here their names and watch their videos on their social media profile:

1.      Vera Caldeira - watch here

2.      Sina Lechner - watch here

3.      Tiziana Schreilechner - watch here

4.      Maria Ines Vieira - watch here

5.      Aleksandra Pawłowicz - watch here

6.      Giacomo Ceriello - watch here

7.      Lea Vorhauser - watch here

8.      Demi van Breukelen - watch here

9.      Laura Müllner - watch here

10.   Anna Inés Martínez-Albiach Regalado - watch here


We would like to thank again ALL OF YOU who participated with your videos. It has been great to hear about your language learning journeys within so many great mobility experiences.

We will soon make available on the OLS the shortlist of the first 20 ranked videos

And we’re already working on our next OLS contest so… stay tuned!