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Interview: Kristijan Ilinčić

Interview: Kristijan Ilinčić

av Lore Gudelj Barac -
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Interview: Kristijan Ilinčić

Today we talked to Kristijan Ilinčić, one of the Croatian most known travel bloggers. We love reading his content as it’s always quite interesting, authentic and raw. If you want to have truthful information about any destination, his page would be a place to check first. Above all of the things, he is such a nice person and loves sharing with his followers. Let’s ask him a few questions! 

 Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

 Hello Kristijan, first of all, you are an amazing guy that is always friendly to all of your followers as we noticed. Describe yourself in a few sentences for an International Erasmus platform, please? 

I have always been a passionate traveler, and my love for it developed at a young age. Over the course of more than ten years, I have embarked on numerous journeys, which have shaped my upbringing and perspective on life. 

Through my travels, I have often discovered that my firsthand experiences on the ground differ greatly from what is portrayed in the media about specific countries. This realization has made me acutely aware of the prevalence of our own preconceived notions and biases. Initially, I, too, held certain prejudices when I embarked on this grand adventure. It is precisely due to this awareness that I made a conscious decision to explore every country in the world, witnessing firsthand how people actually live. 

Each encounter with a new culture serves as a profound enrichment to my personal growth. Whenever I set foot in a new place, I do so with an open heart and an insatiable desire to learn something new. I refrain from passing judgment and maintain my unwavering faith in humanity. It has become evident to me that while there are certainly individuals with malevolent intentions, there are also an abundance of genuinely good-hearted people on the other side. Perhaps it is this realization that earns me the reputation of being "amazing" and "friendly." :) 


Tell us how it started and what changed during the time you’ve managed your social account? 

Initially, my travels were driven by my personal desire to explore and document my experiences. With the advent of social media, I started sharing my journeys with friends, and before long, a larger community began to take interest. As I ventured into increasingly remote or unconventional destinations, curiosity about my endeavors grew exponentially. 

Among the various social platforms, Instagram has become my favorite, despite having amassed a substantial audience on TikTok. At some point, my endeavors transformed into a grand narrative, propelling me into the realm of a prominent travel influencer. Consequently, this narrative evolved into a business venture. However, despite the influx of money and increased workload, my passion for travel never ceased, remaining as fervent as it was from the very beginning. 

Social media platforms themselves possess their own ever-changing rules, heavily influenced by algorithms. Nevertheless, I take pride in the fact that I managed to sustain such a substantial following amidst these fluctuations. Nonetheless, I am contemplating the idea of transitioning my content to a platform that I can personally control, such as my own website, blog, or a similar platform. 


What’s the secret to success? 

Motivation, unwavering dedication, and disciplined perseverance—these are the driving forces behind achieving one's goals. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone, taking that initial leap, and then pushing yourself to take subsequent steps forward. It entails consistently producing and sharing content, even during moments when inspiration wanes. Giving up is not an option. 

Whatever I have accomplished in my life did not simply materialize out of thin air, despite appearing effortless to many onlookers. One particular venture I embarked upon involved building and subsequently selling a website. Although it may seem like an overnight success to some, that portal actually endured a lengthy period of hard work and struggled to reach the top five on Gemius. 

Similarly, the community I have cultivated on social media platforms has flourished over the years, gradually expanding its reach. This growth did not happen overnight; it was the result of continuous effort and dedication. I firmly believe that possessing strong motivation and unwavering discipline in pursuit of one's goals will ultimately yield fruitful results. 

 Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić 

How do you describe Croatia to all of the people abroad?  

It is an enchanting country with both continental and maritime beauty, enriched by a rich and storied history spanning a millennium. From its captivating lakes and mesmerizing waterfalls to its strikingly intricate coastline, this nation's natural wonders are truly awe-inspiring. Its allure is so captivating that numerous filmmakers have chosen it as the backdrop for their blockbuster productions, drawn to its unique and picturesque landscapes. 


And Croatian people? 

The Croatian people are known for their warm-heartedness and their ability to enjoy life. They have a penchant for indulging in the pleasures of a laid-back lifestyle, embracing casualness and taking delight in their love for football. However, they also exhibit remarkable success in various endeavours. In recent times, the IT sector in Croatia has particularly thrived, showcasing the nation's strength in this field. 


We have lots of young readers and students here. What would be your advice to them? 

Avoid getting caught up in a multitude of desires, and don't let indecision hinder your progress and keep you stagnant for years. Choose a path, regardless of whether it's the perfect one, and take that first step. Along the way, you'll discover if it's the right path for you and make adjustments as necessary. The key is to avoid passivity and standing still. Challenge yourself by stepping outside of your comfort zone, always striving towards the direction of your dreams.  

 Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić 

 How did you travel as a young student? When did you start? 

I sought out ways to travel on a budget. I searched for affordable accommodations, hitchhiked, and ate street food—I was a true backpacker. The sense of freedom that accompanied those experiences remains vivid in my memory. I embarked on serious travels at the age of 19, which marked the beginning of my dedicated exploration. 


Can you share some traveling secrets with us that can be useful for young travellers?  

Never feel ashamed to seek information or ask questions. There exists an expansive community of fellow travellers both online and offline, always ready to lend a helping hand. Prior to each journey, ensure you are well-informed about your destination, as this will contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable stay. Familiarize yourself with the customs, norms, and etiquette of the culture you'll be immersing yourself in, understanding the "do's" and "don'ts" specific to each place. Gather knowledge about the appropriate behaviours, currency, internet availability, and more. Embrace the vast nomadic community that generously shares information on the internet. Approach your travels with open hearts, demonstrating respect for other cultures, and always wear a smile. By doing so, you pave the way for positive and rewarding experiences. 


Which languages do you speak and how did you learn them?  

Regarding languages, I have a good command of English and a basic understanding of Spanish. Nowadays, it seems that nearly every millennial has at least a B1 level of English proficiency. I learned English both in school and through my work in an international company, but I have also enhanced my language skills during my travels. 


Do you have any future language goals? 

 I aim to expand my knowledge of Spanish further. 

 Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić  

 If you didn’t live in Croatia, which country do you like the most in Europe and why? 

Spain. Their mentality resonates with ours, they know how to enjoy life, the cuisine is outstanding, and the climate is warm—a perfect fit for me. A decade ago, I embarked on a road trip through Spain, and it left me thoroughly enchanted. 


From which countries are most of your subscribers? 

From Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

We really love your approach and we’ve noticed it’s refreshingly honest. Do many people go to the destinations because of your writings and do you remember some interesting comment on experience? 

I hope that my stories have inspired people to embark on their own travel adventures. It brings me immense joy when individuals reach out to share how I have motivated them to explore the world. Since the establishment of Nomadik Travel, my travel agency, I have taken on the role of personally guiding people on trips. I curate unique destinations that are not commonly offered by other agencies. The experiences we offer are exceptional, and the feedback I receive from our travelers never fails to delight me.  


Is there a place that absolutely amazed you most? (Maybe without expecting it) 

I didn't expect to find so many genuinely kind and warm-hearted people in the Middle East, especially in countries like Afghanistan or Syria, which are often portrayed negatively in the Western world. The contrast between the misconceptions perpetuated in the West and the reality on the ground is so stark that the materials I have made there left the most profound impact on my audience. 


Tell us a little bit about your guiding and trips we can take with you. Where can we find the information? 

Nomadik Travel provides a range of extraordinary destinations that cannot be found in other agency's offerings. We specialize in adventure destinations such as Mauritania, Ethiopia, and Venezuela, but we also provide enjoyable experiences in Thailand. We are continuously expanding our repertoire, recently adding Socotra, Algeria, and Afghanistan to our list. 


What are your future goals, if you can share some? 

I am very close to accomplishing my objective of visiting every country in the world, having already surpassed 190. After the intense pace of the past three years, I anticipate slowing down my travels. I will dedicate more time to my agency, focusing on revisiting certain destinations, attending festivals, and similar ventures. Although I will be traveling less frequently, I intend to do so with utmost care and ensure the experiences are of the highest quality. 

I have exciting plans for the future, but for now, I must keep them a secret. Rest assured, there are new endeavors on the horizon that I am genuinely excited about. 


What’s your favourite travel quote? 

 “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” by Anthony Bourdain 

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

Photo: Kristijan Ilinčić

What’s the best place you would absolutely recommend to Erasmus students in Croatia and why? 

Plitvice holds a special place in Croatia's offerings, drawing visitors from all corners of the globe. Over time, the region has expanded its attractions, providing an opportunity for a vibrant and active vacation, whether it's horseback riding, exploring ancient forts, or engaging in various activities. This is one aspect that has contributed to our international renown, alongside our beautiful Adriatic coast. Speaking of the coast, while destinations like Hvar and Dubrovnik have garnered attention from global celebrities and served as filming locations for iconic series, I must admit that my personal attachment lies with Šibenik. It holds a special significance in my heart as I spent my summers there as a child. The city has a distinctive charm and boasts a rich history spanning a thousand years. It is the birthplace of renowned musical artists and sports legends. For me, Šibenik holds a unique and sentimental place, although this preference is rooted in emotions rather than objective criteria. 

Thank you for your time, Kristijan. We wish you all the best and great future trips around the globe! 

Dear Croatian learners and polyglots. If you have any questions about  Kristijan's work, destinations or experiences worldwide share them in the comments! We love your opinions!

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian