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Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 2 – Southern Black Sea)

Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 2 – Southern Black Sea)

by Reneta OLS Community Manager -
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Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 2 – Southern Black Sea)

Source: Canva

Bulgaria's southern coastline along the Black Sea is very well-known for its popular beach locations like Sunny Beach, Nessebar, and Sozopol. In this article, I will take you on a journey to explore the hidden gems of the Southern Bulgarian beaches, that are not so famous, but at the same time offer a unique atmosphere, tranquility, and natural beauty.  

You can find the Best Beaches in the Northern part of the Bulgarian Coastline in my previous article. 


Irakli Beach

Source: Canva

The beach of Irakli is one of the few remaining undeveloped and wild beaches in the southern Black Sea. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. Restaurants and water attractions are almost completely absent, at the expense of an incredibly beautiful beach, crystal clear water, and lush vegetation in the territory - home to protected animal and plant species. One of the most remarkable aspects of Irakli Beach is its role in the protection of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Accessing Irakli Beach requires a sense of adventure, but the journey is part of what makes the experience so unique. While it's not as easily accessible as some other beaches, the effort to reach Irakli is rewarded tenfold. 



Arkutino Beach

Source: Canva

Nestled between the mouth of the Ropotamo River and the Black Sea, Arkutino Beach presents a fusion of natural wonders. The beach represents a harmonious blend of coastal and forest landscapes. It is surrounded by sand dunes on one side and the dense Arkutino forest on the other. It is close to the protected area of the Ropotamo Reserve, where you can find rare birds and other species, and enjoy the untouched beauty of the region. 



Coral Beach

Source: Canva

Coral Beach, located near the town of Tsarevo, is a unique place characterized by its vibrant and diverse underwater ecosystem. The clear waters and diverse underwater landscapes make Coral Beach an unforgettable location for everyone who is eager to discover the hidden treasures of the Black Sea. This beach is a paradise for snorkelers and divers, offering a chance to explore underwater caves, colorful corals, and a variety of marine life. 



Sinemorets beach

Source: Canva

Sinemorets is a coastal village that boasts one of the most captivating and lesser-known beaches in Bulgaria. Places like the beach in Sinemorets are rare views. Without any doubt it could be rewarded as the most beautiful and unconventional beach in Bulgaria Divided by the Veleka River, the beach on one side offers calm, clear waters perfect for swimming or kayaking, while the other side provides a wilder experience with waves crashing against dramatic cliffs.  



Silistar Beach

Source: Canva

The beach is a true hidden gem. Accessible through a scenic drive and a short hike, this beach rewards adventurers with its tranquil ambiance and stunning vistas. The crystal-clear waters and surrounding lush vegetation create a serene setting, making it an ideal spot for those looking to escape the crowds and immerse themselves in nature. 

The beach is also known as the "Pirate Beach". It is supposed that in ancient times Silistar and the neighboring bay of Listi were haunts of robbers and pirates. The name Silistar comes from the Greek word "syunlistareo" - "a place adjacent to the robber's place".

Reneta, OLS Community Manager – Bulgarian


Source: Canva