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Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 1 – Northern Black Sea)

Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 1 – Northern Black Sea)

OLS Community ManagerReneta -
Best Beaches in Bulgaria (Part 1 – Northern Black Sea)


Source: Canva

Undoubtedly, one of the most preferable ways to spend summertime is at the beach. Bulgaria is famous for its outstanding beaches, known for their natural beauty and diverse characteristics. Along the Black Sea coastline stretching over 350 kilometers, you'll find a mix of sandy and pebble beaches, each offering a unique atmosphere.

I present to you some of the best beaches to visit along the Northern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria meanwhile you are on your mobility program.

Let’s start from the northernmost point.


Durankulak Beach is the northernmost beach on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. This spacious and windy place with crystal clear sea water is ideal for practicing water sports such as kiteboarding and windsurfing. The beach is far from major cities, and there is a nearby campsite for those who enjoy outdoor camping. It is located just 1 hour and 30 minutes drive from the seaside capital, Varna (learn more about Varna in this blog post)



Source: Canva

We have all seen pictures on social media of beautiful seas with bright blue, crystal-clear water. When you step onto the shores of Ezerets, you will witness exactly that. This stunning view is combined with the endless stretch of the beach - to the left and right, the horizon is far away...



Source: Canva

Just 75 km away from Varna, there is a small beach with clean water, golden sand, and a unique horseshoe shape. Bolata Bay is part of the "Most Beautiful Bays in the World" club. This beautiful spot will captivate you at first sight. There are no special access rules - swimming and camping are allowed.  



Source: Canva

The beaches in Albena are preferred mainly by families with children, and it's completely understandable. The soft, silky sand, exceptionally clean and shallow sea, and a beach strip with a length of 2.5 km and a width of 150 m are a real attraction for those who appreciate the beauty of the Bulgarian Black Sea. At the same time, the place offers a variety of water sports and attractions, so we recommend spending a few days of your mobility in Bulgaria there.


Golden sands

Source: Canva

In contrast to Albena, Golden Sands is an excellent location for young people and tourists both from Bulgaria and abroad. It is situated in a picturesque and ecologically clean bay. The length of the beach strip in the resort is 3.5 km, reaching up to 100 meters in width in some places, and it is renowned as one of the best sandy beaches in Europe. The beach is flat and covered with fine golden sand. The sandy seabed gradually slopes into the sea, with no rocks or sudden changes in the bottom.


Source: Reneta, OLS Community Manager

With a beach strip of 12 km, Shkorpilovtsi Beach is actually the longest beach on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The combination of the sea near the forest creates an unconventional landscape. There are a lot of opportunities for water sports - which is typical for such a long trip, despite the wild nature of the location.


The “paradise” on Earth is located at Kara Dere. Beautiful beach, soft sand, and infinite blue sea. Here, the connection with the sea is on another level, and the feeling of reaching there is like a well-deserved reward. At about 5 km north of the town of Byala, at one point, the asphalt ends, and the road becomes rough, especially after rain, and it can be challenging to navigate with a normal car, especially during spring. But the view truly deserves it... See it by yourself.


  1. The Black Sea is characterized by a specific phenomenon called the "turning of the sea" on the 2nd and 15th of August. Around these days of the year, the winds are strong and unpredictable, affecting surface currents and creating underwater whirlpools. In recent years, this phenomenon has been observed earlier during the summer months.
  2. On some beaches, there are formations known as "bottom holes" in the water. A bottom hole is an area with varying depths, where you can unexpectedly step into a deep spot, which can be especially dangerous when walking casually in the sea, without being prepared for it. The danger is even greater if you cannot swim. The advice from experts to deal with them is to first maintain composure and then wait until you hit the bottom, and then push yourself back up with your feet.
  3. In general, the salinity of the Black Sea is lower compared to other well-known tourist destinations, such as the Aegean Sea for example. It requires continuous effort to stay afloat on the surface. Therefore, if you cannot swim, avoid venturing further into the sea and always choose guarded beaches.
  4. The water in the Black Sea is colder, but the lack of access to the World Ocean (only through the Bosporus) makes it completely safe from predators like sharks.
  5. Remember that even the shallowest and calmest beach can have its dangers. In any case, it is good to be aware of the risks of the sea.
In the second part of this blog post, I will share the best beaches to visit along the Southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.  

Would you like to practice Bulgarian language even from the beach? Your good assistant is ready to help you prepare for that. Levels A1 and A2 for the Bulgarian language are available through the Online Language Support platform. Discover the courses and other resources here.

Reneta, OLS Community Manager – Bulgarian

Source: Canva