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My Language Learning Journey: Leticia Vázquez

My Language Learning Journey: Leticia Vázquez

от Reneta OLS Community Manager -
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My Language Learning Journey: Leticia Vázquez

Leticia Vázquez

Source: Leticia Vázques

Leticia Vázquez is a 21-year-old student from Spain. She just finished the last year of her Bachelor's degree, which is in 'Advertising and Public Relations. During her study, she decided to spend a part of it on a mobility program. Leticia agreed to make an interview for the OLS platform and share interesting stories about what was her life in Bulgaria. 

[Community manager – CM]: Hello Leticia! Thank you for joining us! Let's start by discussing your mobility experience. Can you tell us where you did your mobility and how you chose that location? 

[Leticia]: Thank you for this interview! Well, I did my mobility in Sofia, Bulgaria. I chose this location because, among the options provided by my university, it was the most unknown and different for me. I didn't want to go to the center of Europe because I had already visited it, and the northern regions were quite expensive. Eastern Europe sounded interesting to me, and it offered an affordable opportunity to explore a country with a rich history and culture. Bulgaria, being a small country surrounded by others I had never visited, provided an excellent chance for me to travel and discover new places. 

[CM]: That sounds like an adventurous choice. Now, let's talk about languages. What language did you study during your mobility, and why is learning languages important to you? 

[Leticia]: I took my subjects in English, but I also took a Bulgarian language course and achieved an A1 level in Bulgarian. Learning languages is very important to me, not only because it is useful for life and is increasingly in demand in the job market, but also out of curiosity. I believe learning languages broadens my culture and knowledge. Moreover, I consider it disrespectful to move to a country and not make an effort to learn the language. By doing so, you miss out on a wonderful opportunity to connect with people and understand their culture on a deeper level. 

[CM]: That's a great perspective! How was your experience getting used to the language in Bulgaria? Did mobility help you improve your language skills? 

[Leticia]: Before starting my Erasmus, I had already obtained a B2 certificate in English. During my mobility, I improved a lot, especially in terms of fluency, vocabulary variety, oral comprehension, grammar, and oral and written expression. I used English every day, from the moment I woke up until I went to bed. As for Bulgarian, I started from scratch and tried to use it in simple conversations, such as at the supermarket or public transport office. I took an exam at the university and achieved an A1 level. Currently, I haven't taken the exam yet, but I believe I will have a C1 level in English. 

[CM]: Based on your language learning experience, what advice would you give to someone who is starting to learn a new language? 

[Leticia]: I would recommend trying it without any fear. Making mistakes is part of the learning process when speaking a language that is not our own. First, it's important to try and practice as much as possible. Second, utilize various resources to learn the language, such as watching movies (with subtitles if necessary), listening to music, changing the language on your phone, talking with native speakers, reading books, and listening to podcasts or TED Talks. In my case, using these resources helped me a lot. Lastly, it's essential to use the language as much as you can. Practice makes perfect! 

[CM]: Those are great tips! Now, let's talk about the OLS (Online Linguistic Support) platform. Did it help you improve your language level? 

[Leticia]: Yes, the OLS platform was helpful. I took the OLS test before my Erasmus to assess my language proficiency, identify areas for improvement, and understand my mistakes. It provided valuable feedback and guidance for me to focus on specific language skills. 

[CM]: What are your thoughts on the OLS platform? Would you recommend it to other Erasmus students? 

[Leticia]: Absolutely, I think the OLS platform is extremely useful, especially before the mobility period. It helps improve your language level and ensures you are well-prepared by testing your grammar and knowledge. I highly recommend Erasmus students to utilize the OLS platform and take advantage of its community resources. 

[CM]: Moving on to your overall mobility experience, was this your first time living abroad? How long did you stay in Bulgaria? 

[Leticia]: Yes, it was my first experience living abroad, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only was I happy during my time there, but I also learned a great deal about language, culture, history, and myself. Living abroad helped improve my personal development by exposing me to different social backgrounds, connecting with other foreigners, and stepping out of my comfort zone. I stayed in Bulgaria for the duration of my Erasmus program. 

[CM]: Did you face any cultural difficulties during your stay? 

[Leticia]: Yes, I encountered several cultural shocks, both with Bulgarians and other foreigners. Life in Bulgaria was completely different from what I was accustomed to in Spain. However, I tried to understand these differences and adapt to them. The daily schedule, punctuality, ideology, and social background were just a few of the changes I encountered upon moving there. Ultimately, I consider these cultural difficulties as positive experiences because they forced me to see the world from a different perspective and made me question the "why" behind many things. Living abroad opened my eyes and expanded my mind beyond my comfort zone, and that's the most valuable aspect for me: personal growth through experiencing the world from a different lens. 

[CM]: Thank you, Leticia, for sharing your experiences and insights. Your journey in Bulgaria sounds truly enriching, both linguistically and culturally. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors! 

[Leticia]: Thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure to share my experiences.

Reneta, OLS Community Manager – Bulgarian


Source: OLS