“Practise your Croatian” Forum

Learn to Name Fruits in Croatian Language! / Voće

Learn to Name Fruits in Croatian Language! / Voće

yazan Lore Gudelj Barac -
Yanıt sayısı: 0

Fruits are not only a necessary and colourful part of our diet but also something we eat every day, independently where we live. In this exploration of fruit vocabulary, we will embark on a journey through orchards, vineyards, and some tropical fruits eaten in Croatia to discover the diverse terminology used to describe these juicy edibles. So, when in supermarket or in a local market, try to use these Croatian words and say it in Croatian. Please, tell us as well which fruits you eat every day or week, we're curious if we have everything on our lists!

Koje voće voliš jesti? (Which fruit do you like to eat?)

Volim jesti.... (I like to eat...)



Photos: Unsplash

Source: Canva

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian