
Language Assessment Results Available as a PDF!

Language Assessment Results Available as a PDF!

από Lilas OLS Community Manager -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

Hi everyone! 

We have some great news for you: the results of the language assessment test are available as a PDF! 

French Placement Test Button and Image

Source: OLS

After you completed the test, available on the French Learning Community and Resources page, take the following steps to download your results:

1. Go to « French Placement Test » in the spotlight section of the French Learning Community and Resources page,

2. Click on « Start Assessment »,

3. Scroll down to « Summary of your previous attempts »,

4. There, you will see your finished exam and a « Review » button on the right side of the screen,

5. Click on « Review », 

6. You will be redirected to your exam results page,

7. Click on « Finish Review », under « Quiz navigation » on the right side of the screen,

8. You will be taken to your assessment results, 

9. From there, click on the « Print this page » button, 

10. Et voilà! A page will open inviting you to « Save as a PDF » or « Print your results » 

On the PDF file, you will be able to find your name, the date when you took the test as well as your results. Feel free to send this document to your school if they are asking for your language assessment results. Note that you can take the test as many times as you want ;)

In addition, do not hesitate to ask any question you may have in the « Ask the Community Forum ». We will be happy to answer! 

Have a great day and happy learning! 

Lilas, OLS Community Manager – French