


av Iya OLS Community Manager -
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You’re invited!


Entirely online the 28 & 29 September 2022.

Image copyright: #RiDaysEU

Hmmm… ever wondered…?

Why is art essential for our well-being? How is the EU focusing on the needs of young cancer survivors? Why is soil so important to Europe’s future? What is the EU’s strategic autonomy and how will it make Europe more resilient? Everyone’s already talking about climate change, do my thoughts matter?

If any of these questions intrigue you or have ever crossed your mind, then this event is for you!


What are the European Research and Innovation Days?

In a nutshell: it’s two days of discussions & workshops to create concrete solutions to Europe’s current challenges.

The event brings together citizens, policymakers, researchers, and entrepreneurs to discuss and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.  

We need YOUR creative ideas to increase Europe's resilience and strategic autonomy and explore how research and innovation play a crucial role in all of this.

This is your chance to engage in the new European Innovation Agenda, the European Year of Youth, the richness of European cultural creativity, the EU Missions, and many more topics.


Who’s going to be there?

Ever wonder who’s behind the mobility program you’re participating in? Lucky for you,  Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, the EU’s Director for Youth, Education, and Erasmus+ will be one of the participants.

What are Youth Ambassadors and how can I become one?  Get to know Louise Flensborg, a PhD student working with marine biodiversity.

Check out the full list of confirmed speakers and get ready to be amazed by the wealth of knowledge and experience right at your fingertips!


What’s on the program?

With two days filled with policy discussions, awards, and workshops, you can dive deep into a variety of subjects. Some examples:

-          “Building sustainable and resilient food systems in times of crisis” and,

-          “Education and Innovation for Skills Development: empowering the next generation” and,

-          “EU Mission on Cancer: developing a science to policy ecosystem for cancer control”

-           And tons more!

Get ahead of the game by checking out the interactive calendar to see what else is on offer. Be sure to click on each event to read its description and to discover who the presenters are. You can also download the schedule in pdf format.

How can I join?

Easy! Just register with your EU Login. This is a completely digital event, so all you need is your laptop, and good wifi and you’re in!


Why join us?

It’s a great opportunity to

-          Speak in English with other participants about interesting topics that affect life in Europe.

-          Shape the future of the European Union by sharing your research, projects, or ideas.

-          Learn about major topics impacting EU policy.

-          Network! Get to know others. Who knows, you may meet your future colleagues or find your next internship opportunity!

-          Maybe you like the idea of being a Youth Ambassador? Meet some and ask questions!

Still not sure?

Let’s hear from Katrin of Estonia, a current Bioeconomy Youth Ambassador about why it’s especially important that young people get involved. Want to hear more from other Youth Ambassadors? Check them out on the official EU Science & Innovation Facebook page.

Interested, but think you’re too busy? What if you thought about this event as a way to integrate these two days into your current or future mobility program?


Feeling inspired? Ready to act?

Register now and tell your friends. All are welcome!

OK, I’m in! How do I prepare?

Once you’ve registered with your EU login, take time to get familiar with the platform BEFORE the event. This way, you'll get a good feel for the platform and understand how to navigate it.

Questions or problems with registering? Contact the Research & Innovation team: or

I hope you’re just as excited as I am to learn from each other, build new networks, and work together to find solutions for our global challenges.

See you there, friends!

Iya, OLS Community Manager - English

P.S.: Be sure to join the Research & Innovation Days discussion in the "Practice Your English" forum!