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A Sweet Journey Through North Macedonia: Which dessert is your favourite?

A Sweet Journey Through North Macedonia: Which dessert is your favourite?

Napisane przez: Denica Bojarovska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Indulging in local desserts is like taking a culinary voyage through the heart of a country's culture.

Have you ever tried the mouthwatering treats this Balkan gem has to offer? 

Let's explore the tantalizing world of Macedonian desserts, from the iconic tulumba to the exquisite baklava and the delicate ekler.

Sweet tooth disclaimer! After reading this, you will probably head to the Old Bazar to soak yourself in sorbet but don't blame us.

Tulumba (тулумба): A Sweet Nostalgia Have you ever experienced the blissful sensation of biting into a tulumba? This deep-fried dough soaked in sweet syrup is a popular dessert in North Macedonia. Resembling a small, elongated tube, tulumba is crispy on the outside and irresistibly soft on the inside. The syrup adds a burst of sweetness that lingers on your taste buds, making it a favorite treat at celebrations and family gatherings.

Baklava (баклава): Layers of Delight Baklava, a dessert with layers of phyllo dough, chopped nuts, and sweet syrup is a culinary masterpiece. In North Macedonia, this dessert is crafted with precision, creating a symphony of textures and flavors. Have you savored the rich, nutty goodness of Macedonian baklava? The combination of crispy layers and the sweetness of honey or syrup is a testament to the country's culinary artistry.

Ekler (еклер): A Delicate Pastry For those who appreciate the finer things in life, the ekler is a must-try dessert in North Macedonia. This delicate pastry, also known as éclair, features a light, fluffy shell filled with creamy custard or other delightful fillings. The outer layer is often adorned with a glossy chocolate glaze, elevating the ekler to a level of sophistication that leaves dessert enthusiasts craving for more.

While tulumba, baklava, and ekler steal the spotlight, North Macedonia boasts an array of other sweet treats waiting to be discovered. From tufahia (туфакија), a dessert made with poached quince and walnuts, to gourabia (гурабија), a cookie filled with a sweet nut mixture, the country's dessert repertoire is diverse and rich in flavor.

So, dear readers, have you experienced the joy of Macedonian desserts?

Which one is fulfilling your criteria for sweet? 

Denica, OLS Community Manager - Macedonian