“Practise your Croatian” Forum

Introduce Yourself to the Community in Croatian Language

Introduce Yourself to the Community in Croatian Language

Lore Gudelj Barac
Vastuste arv 0


Photo: Unsplash

Hello Croatian Community! 

This forum demands a bit of courage—it's the space where we collectively hone our Croatian language skills! While the OLS community provides excellent training modules and resources, there's truly nothing more rewarding than immersing ourselves in practice alongside fellow learners.

So, let's embark on this brave journey by initiating with an introduction... in Croatian! Feel free to fill in the blanks and share anything else you'd like!


Bok svima! Zovem se Lore i Hrvatica sam. Rođena sam i živim u Zagrebu. Govorim hrvatski, engleski, španjolski, talijanski i francuski jezik. Radim za OLS platformu i veselim se upoznati vas! (Hi everybody! My name is Lore and I am Croatian. I was born in Zagreb and as well, I live here. I speak Croatian, English, Spanish, Italian and French. I work for OLS platform and I am looking forward to meet you!)

How about you?

What is your name? Where are you from? Which languages do you speak? Do you study or doing an internship? Do you volunteer? 

Now it's your turn!  Looking forward to reading your story! 

Loreta, OLS Community Manager – Croatian