OLS Blog

How to Get the Most Out of the OLS Irish Community

Re: How to Get the Most Out of the OLS Irish Community

by Carla García Clar -
Number of replies: 0
Hi! I hope you are doing great.

My name is Carla, I am a 23-year-old Spanish girl who has been living in Dublin for longer than a year now. I am getting in touch with you because I would like to ask you if there is any sort of language and/or culture tandem I could be part of.

The thing is that, when I moved to Ireland, I was truly happy and excited about getting to know and befriend local people and getting immersed within the Irish culture and society. I had even the idea of learning some Irish and practice it if I was lucky enough to find someone who spoke the language. However, I have not had the chance to make any Irish friends, which I feel is quite sad and, as I would not like to leave the country feeling I have not befriended any Irish person or not learnt much more about the country, its culture and less about the Irish language, I was wondering if maybe you know about or would be interested in any language tandem (I am a native speaker of Spanish and Catalan) or in any kind of coffee chat to discuss in English about the Irish culture and/or language, which would also motivate me to keep learning some more Irish.

Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy your Christmas holidays.

Best regards, 