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Rediscovering Green Holidays Traditions: A Sustainable Celebration

Rediscovering Green Holidays Traditions: A Sustainable Celebration

от Denica Bojarovska -
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As the holiday season approaches, many of us eagerly anticipate the festive traditions that make it a special time. However, with the growing concern for the environment, it's crucial to reconsider and adapt our customs to make holidays more sustainable. In this article, we'll delve into the eco-friendly practices of old Christmas traditions and explore how we can adopt similar principles to celebrate responsibly. 

The Christmas Tree Dilemma: 

One iconic symbol of the season is the Christmas tree, but the conventional methods of tree production have taken a toll on the environment. Christmas tree plantations often rely on synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers, contributing to environmental degradation. How can we enjoy the tradition of a festive tree while minimizing its impact on the planet? 

  • Choose Organic Trees: Opt for an organic Christmas tree that is grown without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers. This choice not only benefits the environment but also promotes better health for your family. 

  • Support Local and Domestic Species: Reduce your carbon footprint by selecting a Christmas tree that comes from your region and belongs to a domestic tree species. This decision minimizes the need for long-distance transportation, reducing associated CO2 emissions. 

  • Dispose Responsibly: After the holiday festivities, ensure that your Christmas tree is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Consider taking it to a compost facility or designated collection points where the trees can be properly recycled or repurposed. 

  • Embrace Potted Trees: For those who wish to extend the life of their Christmas tree beyond the holidays, consider investing in a potted tree. These trees, grown organically in pots, can either be planted in your garden or rented for the festive season. This sustainable approach reduces the demand for new trees each year. 


However, how about revisiting old traditions? 

In the past, Christmas celebrations were more aligned with nature, emphasizing sustainable practices that respected the environment. Families often relied on homemade decorations, natural materials, and local products, fostering a sense of community and environmental stewardship. 

  • Homemade Decorations: Bring back the charm of handmade ornaments and decorations. Get creative with recycled materials, fabric scraps, and natural elements like pinecones, creating a personalized and eco-friendly holiday ambiance. 

  • Local and Seasonal Feasts: Rediscover the joy of preparing locally sourced and seasonal meals. Supporting local farmers and markets not only reduces the environmental impact of transportation but also contributes to the vitality of your community. 

  • Gifts with a Purpose: Instead of indulging in mass-produced gifts, consider giving presents with a meaningful and sustainable impact. Handcrafted items, handmade stuff from local artists, experiences, or donations to eco-friendly causes make for thoughtful alternatives. 


In North Macedonia, a cherished holiday tradition is the exchange of homemade and handcrafted gifts, reflecting the warmth and personal touch that defines the festive season. One popular gift choice is the creation of "Pogacha," a traditional Macedonian bread that holds both cultural and symbolic significance. 

Pogacha is a type of flatbread, often prepared with various shapes and sizes, and it can be sweet or savory. During the holiday season, families and friends dedicate time and effort to bake Pogacha with love and care. The process becomes a communal activity, with multiple generations coming together to prepare and share this special treat. 

Pogacha, Source: Wikimedia Common

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This holiday season let's draw inspiration from the eco-friendly practices of old traditions to create a celebration that is not only joyous but also respectful of our planet. By making conscious choices, such as opting for organic trees, supporting local products, and embracing sustainable practices, we can contribute to a greener and more environmentally responsible holiday season. Together, let's rediscover the magic of Christmas in harmony with nature.  

Denica, OLS Community Manager - Macedonian