"Living Abroad" Forum

General Culture Quiz

General Culture Quiz

de către Caoimhe Ní Chearbhaill OLS Irish Community Manager-
Număr de răspunsuri: 0

Dia dhuit! 

So you're keen on learning Irish, great to hear! Remember, understanding a language isn't just about mastering the vocabulary and grammar – it’s also about immersing yourself in the culture. We've prepared a culture quiz for you to see how much you know about Ireland.

Here's how it works: In the quiz, there are three multiple-choice questions for you to answer. Just put your answers in the comments below. And once all the answers are correct, we'll post a new question to keep things moving. A small heads-up – no using Wikipedia or Google, let's test your actual knowledge!


1. Cén focal Gaeilge atá ar "cat"? 

a) Madra
b) Cat
c) Capall

2. Conas a deirtear "thank you" as Gaeilge? 

a) Slán 
b) Go raibh maith agat 
c) Dia dhuit

3. Cad é an Ghaeilge ar "water"? 

a) Tae 
b) Uisce 
c) Bainne

I look forward to seeing your answers! Good luck! 

Caoimhe, Community Manager – Irish