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How to Make Bacon & Cabbage

How to Make Bacon & Cabbage

OLS Irish Community Manager Caoimhe Ní Chearbhaill írta időpontban
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Bacon & Cabbage
Source: Caoimhe, Irish Community Manager

Ireland is known for its rich, homely, wholesome food. Stemming from years of Farmers spending their days outside, so would need a dish to warm them up as soon as they came home. One Irish dish that stands the test of time is Bacon & Cabbage. This blog post will guide you through the steps of preparing this traditional meal, share its historical significance, and offer tips to make it authentically Irish. As you embark on this culinary journey, remember that cooking is like speaking a language – it’s all about practicing and immersing yourself in the culture!

The Historical Context of Bacon & Cabbage:

Bacon & Cabbage is a dish deeply rooted in Irish history. Historically, pigs were a common livestock in Ireland because they required minimal space and could be easily fed. Bacon became a staple food, and when paired with cabbage, a vegetable that thrived in the Irish climate, it became a traditional meal, especially during times when resources were scarce.


1 slab of bacon (preferably back bacon or a similar cut)(1 slabhra de bhagún)

1 large head of green cabbage (cheann mór de chabáiste glas)

Potatoes (number depending on servings) (Prátaí)

Salt and pepper to taste (Salann & Piobar)

Parsley (for garnish)(Peirsil)

Butter (optional) (Im)


  1. Prepare the Bacon: (Ullmhaigh an Bagún:)

    1. Rinse the bacon under cold water and place it in a large pot.

    2. Cover it with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 1 hour until the bacon is cooked through.

  2. Cook the Cabbage: (Cócaráil an Chabáiste)

    1. While the bacon is cooking, chop the cabbage into quarters, removing the core.

    2. In a separate pot, boil the cabbage until tender but still crisp, about 8 minutes.

  3. Boil the Potatoes: (Bruith na Prátaí)

    1. Peel and quarter the potatoes.

    2. In another pot, boil the potatoes until they are tender.

  4. Serving:

    1. Once the bacon is cooked, let it rest for a few minutes, then slice it.

    2. Drain the cabbage and potatoes.

    3. Serve the bacon slices on a plate with cabbage and potatoes on the side.

    4. Season with salt, pepper, and parsley. Add a knob of butter on the potatoes if desired.

Tips for Authenticity:

Ingredient Choice: Try to source locally-produced bacon and fresh cabbage to get the most authentic flavors.

Cooking Method: Simmering the bacon slowly ensures it’s tender and flavorful. Boiling the cabbage just until tender retains its texture and nutrients.

Presentation: Serve it traditionally with the bacon on top of the cabbage and potatoes, or arrange it neatly on a plate for a more modern presentation.


Bacon & Cabbage is more than just a meal; it's a celebration of Irish heritage and simplicity. Its rich flavors and straightforward preparation make it a beloved dish for both everyday meals and special occasions. As you master this traditional recipe, you’re not only learning to cook an Irish staple but also connecting with the heart of Irish culture.

Caoimhe, OLS Community Manager - Irish