
March Is Already Here: Happy "Baba Marta" Everyone!

March Is Already Here: Happy "Baba Marta" Everyone!

OLS Community ManagerReneta -

New Month is here!

Source: Canva





Wow, it's March already. It seems like yesterday when we welcomed the New Year, and it is already the third month of 2024!

The month of March in Bulgaria gives us only good reasons to smile!

On the first day of the month, we celebrate the holiday of Baba Marta (Grandma Martha) - a mythical creature in Bulgarian folklore that symbolizes the arrival of spring. Baba Marta's change of mood brings changeable and unpredictable weather in March. 

The story of Grandma Martha is quite curious. I have already told you the story, you may recall it HERE.

On this day, Bulgarians exchange the so-called "Martenitsi" - woven ornaments made of white and red threads, as gifts to wish one another good health, and happiness.

My hand looks like this today


Source: Reneta - OLS Community Manager

So, don't be surprised when today walking down the street you see too many people with colorful bracelets on their hands or other ornaments on their clothes.

Also, someone may give you a Martenitsa. Be prepared! Buy some Martenitsi and give them to your Bulgarian friends.

You will make them smile, trust me!

Today I came across an article in which they say that Martenitsi are also exchanged in other countries in Europe:

  •   Romania - they call the Martenitsa - "Marcishore"
  •   North Macedonia - they call the Martenichka - "Martinka"
  •   Northern Greece - they call the Martenitsa - "Marti"
  •   Golo Burdo and Prespa regions in Albania - they call the Martenitsa - "Monyak"
  •   Parts of Moldova also celebrate

I'm curious if there is anyone in the community here who comes from those countries and can confirm this information. Click the "REPLY" button below and share with the community!

Reneta, OLS Community Manager – Bulgarian