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Sweden's 5 Biggest Cities – Part 2

Sweden's 5 Biggest Cities – Part 2

OLS Community Manager Linnea發表於
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Sweden's 5 Biggest Cities – Part 2

Many of us know the capital cities of many countries, but what about the smaller towns that are still quite big? Let's continue to review Sweden's most significant cities and what they're famous for.

Uppsala (243 301 inhabitants)


Source: Canva

Uppsala, one of Sweden's oldest cities, is known for its rich history, academic excellence, and cultural significance. Here are some critical aspects of Uppsala that make it renowned:

Uppsala University: Established in 1477, Uppsala University is one of Europe's oldest universities renowned for its academic excellence and research contributions. The university's historic campus attracts students and scholars worldwide, including the Gustavianum building and the Carolina Rediviva library.

Cathedral: Uppsala Cathedral, or Uppsala Domkyrka, is the largest church in Scandinavia and the seat of the Church of Sweden's Archbishop. Its imposing architecture and historical significance make it a prominent landmark in the city.

Viking Heritage: Uppsala has a unique and fascinating connection to Viking Age history and culture. The ancient burial mounds at Gamla Uppsala, including the Royal Mounds, are believed to be the final resting place of legendary Swedish kings and warriors, offering a glimpse into the rich and storied past of the region. The site is an important archaeological and cultural attraction, providing a unique opportunity to delve into Viking history.

Botanical Garden: Uppsala's Botanical Garden, founded in 1655, is one of Europe's oldest botanical gardens. Spanning over 13 hectares, the garden features a diverse collection of plants, including rare and exotic species. It serves as a botanical research and education centre.

Student Life: With a large student population, Uppsala is known for its vibrant student culture and lively nightlife. The city's numerous student nations, clubs, and events provide socializing, networking, and cultural exchange opportunities.

Gustavianum: The Gustavianum building, located in the heart of Uppsala, houses the Uppsala University Museum and showcases exhibitions on history, science, and culture. The building's iconic cupola, adorned with a statue of Gustav II Adolf, is a recognizable city symbol.

Festivals and Events: Uppsala hosts several annual festivals and events, including the Uppsala International Guitar Festival, a celebration of music and culture; the Uppsala Reggae Festival, a lively event showcasing reggae music and culture; and the Uppsala Short Film Festival, a platform for emerging filmmakers. 

Biking City: Uppsala is known for its bike-friendly infrastructure. Its extensive bike lanes and paths make it easy for residents and visitors to explore the city by bicycle. Cycling is a popular mode of transportation and recreational activity in Uppsala.

Linköping (243 301 inhabitants)

Linköping, Sweden

Source: Canva

Linköping, located in southeastern Sweden, is known for several notable features and attributes.

Saab Group: Linköping is home to the headquarters of Saab Group, one of Sweden's largest aerospace and defence companies. Saab has a significant presence in Linköping and is a major regional employer, contributing to the city's economy and reputation as a centre for innovation and technology.

Linköping University: Linköping University is a prestigious institution known for its research and academic programs in technology, engineering, and medicine. The university's strong focus on interdisciplinary research and collaboration with industry partners contributes to its reputation as a leading academic institution in Sweden.

Old Town: Linköping's charming Old Town, or Gamla Linköping, is a well-preserved historical district featuring picturesque cobblestone streets, traditional wooden buildings, quaint shops and cafes. 

Göta Canal: Linköping is situated along the Göta Canal, a historic waterway that stretches across Sweden from Gothenburg to Stockholm. The canal, completed in the early 19th century, is a popular tourist attraction known for its scenic beauty and opportunities for boat cruises, cycling, and outdoor recreation.

Cultural Events: Linköping hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, including music concerts, art exhibitions, theatre performances, and food festivals. The city's vibrant cultural scene offers something for everyone, from classical music enthusiasts to contemporary art lovers.

Innovation Hub: Linköping has emerged as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, with a growing startup ecosystem and initiatives supporting technological advancements and business development. The city's close collaboration between academia, industry, and government fosters innovation and economic growth.

Nature and Outdoor Activities: Surrounding Linköping is the beautiful Östergötland countryside, offering opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and birdwatching. The nearby Tinnerö Nature Reserve and Lake Roxen provide residents and visitors with scenic landscapes and recreational areas.

Quality of Life: Linköping consistently ranks high in quality of life surveys, thanks to its excellent healthcare, education, and public services, as well as its safe and family-friendly environment. The city's well-planned urban areas, green spaces, and cultural amenities make it a desirable place to live and work. 

Linnea, OLS Community Manager – Swedish