“Practise your Macedonian” Forum

Spring's Arrival: Learn 'Рамноденица' as Your Word of the Day!

Spring's Arrival: Learn 'Рамноденица' as Your Word of the Day!

door Denica Bojarovska -
Aantal antwoorden: 0

Dear community, 

what a lovely, shiny day to learn one new word in Macedonian! 

As we welcome the first day of spring, embrace the beauty of the equinox with the Macedonian word 'Рамноденица' (Ramnodenitsa). 

This term encapsulates the balance and harmony of this celestial event, marking equal lengths of day and night. Beyond its linguistic charm, 'Рамноденица' holds cultural significance, symbolizing renewal and the transition to warmer seasons. 

Let us help you remember this sweet word easily. 

The word 'рамноденица' consists of 2 words: рамно which means 'plain', 'even', or 'equal', and 'деница' which is a poetic word for 'ден' - day or daylight.

Isn't it beautiful?

Here are a few other words in this connotation, to celebrate the arrival of the happiest season of all - spring!

1. spring - пролет 

2. bloom - цут 

3. blooming - расцветува 

4. flower - цвет

5. seeds - семе 

Embrace the beauty of spring by incorporating these words into your vocabulary. Not only will you enhance your language skills, but you'll also deepen your connection with the springtime living here. 

Happy learning!

Denica, OLS Community Manager - Macedonian